Niantic has announced that Pokemon GO is bringing back its Psychic Spectacular event this week, taking place from September 6 at 10:00am local time to September 12 at 8:00pm local time. In the past, Pokemon GO has used special events to debut new Pokemon or highlight a specific Pokemon type, and that's exactly what Niantic will be doing when the Psychic Spectacular event starts on September 6.

As one might imagine, the Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular event will focus primarily on Psychic-type Pokemon, with Psychic-types appearing more frequently in the wild while the event is live. Pokemon like Abra, Drowzee, Slowpoke, Woobat, and others will be readily available. Some Psychic-types will be featured in 7km eggs during the event, too, like Chingling, Smoochum, and Wynaut. Field Research task rewards, meanwhile, can consist of Psychic-type Pokemon like Baltoy, Chimecho, Elgyem, and Hypno.

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Pokemon GO raids will also feature more Psychic-type Pokemon, with one-star raids adding Unown E, P, and S to the mix along with Espurr. A Deoxys raid day will happen on September 11 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm, with fans having the chance to catch all of Deoxys' forms during the event. Notably, Pokemon GO players will also have the chance to encounter Mega Alakazam in raids, a first for the game.

Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular Date and Time

  • September 6 at 10:00am local time to September 12 at 8:00pm local time

The Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular event is happening just as Psychic legendary Cosmog has been added to the game. Pokemon GO players are able to add Cosmog to their collection by completing the Special Research called A Cosmic Companion, which was added with Season of Light. But before Pokemon GO players can catch Cosmog, they need to complete three tasks.

The first two tasks are about catching 15 Pokemon and landing curveball throws. However, the third task is a little trickier, as it requires Pokemon GO players to catch 15 Psychic-type Pokemon. Psychic-type Pokemon are relatively rare compared to other Pokemon types in the game, so some players may be having trouble completing the first page of A Cosmic Companion and getting Cosmog. The Psychic Spectacular event should be a great opportunity for Pokemon GO players to catch the 15 Psychic-type Pokemon they need to move on to the next page.

Even after Pokemon GO players manage to catch enough Psychic-type Pokemon and get Cosmog, they still won't be able to fully complete the Special Research. Pokemon GO Season of Light will add new Special Research steps in the months ahead, with the second update coming on October 5 and the third happening on November 23.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: A Cosmic Companion Special Research Tasks and Rewards