Pokemon GO's GO Fest Friendship Challenge is officially underway, and it features a variety of different tasks for players to complete. One of the first tasks that fans will encounter during the GO Fest Friendship Challenge instructs them to play with their Buddy, and some players may be curious about exactly how that is done. Fortunately, it is quite easy to play with a Buddy in PoGO, and this guide contains all of the details that players need.

To play with a Buddy in Pokemon GO players will need to start by assigning a Buddy Pokemon. To do this, fans should first press on the portrait of their Trainer at the bottom of the screen and then select "Choose Buddy." Next the player should pick the Pokemon that they want to make their Buddy, and this will cause its portrait to appear next to the Trainer portrait that was mentioned previously.

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Now players should press on their Buddy Pokemon's portrait to bring up its profile. On this screen fans will see a "Play!" button directly below their Buddy, and indeed they should press on that. From there the player will need to follow the onscreen prompts to place their Buddy Pokemon in the environment, and if a fan finds this difficult to do then they may want to go into PoGO's Settings and turn off AR Mode.

Once the player has gotten their Buddy to appear they are then ready to play with it, which is done by rubbing it back and forth. When performed correctly fans will see sparkles appear on their Pokemon, and a heart will appear if the player rubs for long enough. This heart in PoGO indicates that a fans has played with their Buddy adequately, and the related GO Fest Friendship Challenge task should complete.

Players will then be free to move on to some of the other GO Fest Friendship Challenge Timed Research, which will have them sending Gifts to Friends, taking Snapshots of Buddy Pokemon, and more. Those fans that complete all of these task will unlock the Friendship Elite Challenge and more opportunities to earn rewards.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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