A Pokemon GO player discovers that, at some point, they transferred a Perfect Meltan, which is a Meltan that has 100% IVs, or individual values, and is considered to be a very rare 4-star Pokemon. Still one of the most popular mobile games in the world, Niantic's Pokemon GO is a fan favorite and the game's Perfect Dex, which allows players to register all Pokemon with a Perfect Pokemon Appraisal (4 stars) is a big hit.

For context, Pokemon GO's IV and appraisal system is at the core of this situation. In many of the Pokemon games, Pokemon have individual values (or IVs) that are locked in when the Pokemon is caught, and these values determine the baseline strength of the Pokemon's stats. So, the better these values are, the stronger the Pokemon will be.

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The Perfect Dex is unlocked after registering 20 Perfect (4 star) Pokemon, and it keeps track of all previously caught Pokemon. So, because Redditor m4ccccc has Meltan registered in the Perfect Dex but does not have Meltan in their inventory, that means that at some point in the past, they transferred their Perfect Meltan without knowing it. Finding 100% IV or 4 star Pokemon in the game is difficult, and players often use Pokemon GO guides in order to obtain them. Redditor m4ccccc must have found the Meltan earlier, but now, all they can see is the memory of a Perfect Meltan that used to be in their inventory.

Shiny hunting and Perfect Pokemon hunting are taking on fresh, new colors as the Pokemon games evolve and change. In previous games, players were not able to tell what IVs their Pokemon would have until after catching it and checking manually. Now, there are ways to tell, like visual indicators for a 100% IV spawn in order to be able to more efficiently go about catching it.

As Pokemon GO's Evolving Stars Event is coming soon during the Season of Light, players are enjoying their time with the augmented reality mobile game. Fans of all ages and backgrounds are able to get into the game and collect hundreds and thousands of Pokemon as they travel around their real-life worlds. Commentors on m4ccccc's post note that even though they continually lose Perfect Pokemon by accidentally or unknowingly transferring them, they still look forward to finding more and more 4-star Pokemon out in the wild so that they can catch them all.

Pokemon GO is available now for mobile devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Season of Light Guide | Events, Bonuses, Spawns, and More