Pokemon GO players are unhappy with the lack of a major feature that's been missing from the game since its launch in 2016. The community has been increasingly frustrated with a number of oversights and changes coming Niantic recently, like the alteration to Pokemon GO's Remote Raid Passes.

2016 was undoubtedly the year of Pokemon GO. The app swept the world in a way few other games that didn't involve staying inside all day to play ever had. It did this while undoubtedly not being in the best state right after launch. Any player around at that time can attest to the fact that the bugs present in Pokemon GO at the time were pretty bad, and this compounded with the unexpected virality of the game putting a massive strain on its servers. Still, over time Niantic got things under control and brought the game to a much better place, but fans are a little irked by one feature that is still sorely missing after nearly 7 years.

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A recent post from Reddit user WeaponisedArmadillo on one of the major Pokemon GO subreddits attempts to aggregate all of the accessibility settings that the community might like to see implemented into the game at some point moving forward. The poster points out that the app continues to shy away from features that are considered standard in most modern games including color-blind settings, text-size toggling, and an alternative to the repetitive tapping gestures that certain disabilities make difficult and even painful for some users. Most triple-AAA titles like the new Diablo 4 launch with a number of accessibility settings.

The Pokemon GO community is having a lot of issues with the current state of the game, but this accessibility issue is particularly egregious. The main reason it feels worse than many of the game's other woes is that those other issues are mostly community desires, things many fans would like to see in an ideal world where Niantic is paying attention to fan requests rather than foregoing them in favor of a surfer pose in the new Pokemon GO Water Week. A lack of accessibility settings just seems like a symptom of not being able to do even the bare minimum in a landscape where those settings are common and expected from most developers.

Some of the community's other woes with the mobile game include other changes that many had hoped in vain that Niantic would make to the game eventually, like an overhaul of the battling system that is basically just %99 mindless tapping right now. The recent Regigrado Raid event in Pokemon GO has led many to call for a change to the Raid system, as well. There is a large stack of problems that, as of writing this, Niantic has not stated any intentions of addressing.

Pokemon GO is out everywhere on mobile.

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