As the world of Pokemon GO continues to grow and evolve, the game's map occasionally needs a fresh intake of points of interest that can become Pokestops or Gyms. Although the mobile AR game's original map was populated using points of interest from Ingress, now select players are able to use the Wayfarer app to make suggestions about future points of interest.

The latest update from Niantic Support confirms that the group of players able to make suggestions through Wayfarer just got even larger. As of this week, the Pokemon GO level requirement for PokeStop nominations through Wayfarer was just lowered from level 40 (max level) down to level 38.

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Although reaching level 38 still requires a long grind (even for players who log in every day) this is still a fantastic change for players who are in that 38-39 range. The grind from 38 to 40 is grueling and players who have made it that far are likely serious enough about the game to be trusted with the nomination tool.

For players who are unaware of how the nomination process works and are newly able to use it, here is a quick crash course on the process. Be sure to go through every step of the process carefully to ensure the best odds of getting the stop approved...

Starting the Nomination

First, go to an object or location that you think would make a good PokéStop.

Tap the Main Menu button.

Tap the Settings button.

Tap the New PokéStop button to start the nomination.

Set the Location on the Map

On the map, you’ll see an orange PokéStop pin that represents the location of your PokéStop nomination. If there are already PokéStops in the surrounding areas, you’ll also see them displayed on the map with a blue PokéStop marker.

Tap or drag the orange PokéStop pin to the most accurate location representing the object for your nomination. Nominations that are too close to existing PokéStops or with inaccurate locations will most likely be considered ineligible.

Tap Confirm when your pin is in the most accurate location.

Take a Photo of the Object

Take a clear photo that makes it easy to see the object/location that corresponds to your nomination. Low-quality photos (dark/blurry/taken from a car) may cause a nomination that otherwise meets criteria to be considered ineligible.

Do not submit photos that you did not take yourself and avoid photos that contain people, body parts, live animals, or copyrighted objects / materials.

Take a Photo of the Surrounding Area

Next, you’ll need to take an additional photo of the surrounding area around your nomination. These photos will help our community of reviewers determine if the PokéStop location is safe and accessible. This surrounding area photo will not appear on the PokéStop in-game and will only be shared with the community of players that are evaluating your nomination.

Add a Title and Description

Once you have an accurate location and a high-quality photo, you can enter a title and description that describes the object you are nominating. While titles and descriptions may be submitted in any language, the official local language is preferred.

Title: Enter in a detailed and unique title. If possible, please use the official name of the object or location.

Description: Information that other players might find interesting about the location such as the origin, history, or background of this place.

Do not include the following in the titles or descriptions:


References to usernames, nicknames or game-specific terms (such as Raid or PokéStop)

Preview and Submit

On the preview screen, you can view your nomination details one last time before you finalize and submit. Tap Confirm once you’ve verified everything looks good.

Show Why Your Nomination is Important

The final step helps give the nomination reviewers some more context as to why your nomination should be considered eligible. Here, you can specify what makes your nomination a high-quality PokéStop candidate. These sections will not appear on the PokéStop details and will only be shared with the community of reviewers that are evaluating your nomination.

When your nomination is complete, tap Submit to send your nomination for review.

There is no guarantee that submissions will be approved, but the option to contribute to the community and make suggestions is a great way to engage with the game on a different level.

For now, Pokemon GO trainers should be able to head out into the world (or play from home) and continue catching the best Unova Pokemon in the game and getting closer to that complete Pokedex. Check back for more Pokemon GO updates closer to the event. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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Source: Niantic Support