A Pokemon GO legendary event will be added to the game soon, confirms developer Niantic. Legendary Pokemon are one of the most requested features for the mobile game, with cheaters even hacking the game to add legendary Pokemon to their accounts.

John Hanke, the CEO of developer Niantic recently took part in a question and answer session at a high school, with some of his answers recorded on social media. During the event, which was verified by mods of the /r/TheSilphRoad subreddit, Hanke confirmed that Pokemon GO will introduce legendary Pokemon "in the not so distant future."

However, for Pokemon GO players already envisioning ways to become the biggest and baddest gym leader in all the land with the help of those new legendaries, Hanke warns that things won't be that easy. Specifically, the Niantic CEO says that legendaries will be "treated with care" and that there will "limitations" on how legendary Pokemon are used in gyms. It's unclear exactly what those limitations will look like but this will be good news to those frustrated by the current state of the feature and are eager for Niantic to roll out Pokemon GOgym improvements.

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Additionally, Hanke suggested that Smeargle and Delibird are "hard to code." This is a result of their "unique moves," Sketch and Present. There's no word on whether these will be delayed as other legendary Pokemon are rolled out, then.

While the lack of specific timing is certainly disappointing, as fans have been waiting for so long to get their virtual mitts on legendary Pokemon, the fact that development on them seems to be going well is positive. And it's not as though legendaries are the only new major Pokemon GO feature in the works either, as during the same high school Q&A, Hanke teased PvP battles as well which will massively delight fans.

Overall, Pokemon GO seems to be headed in the right direction. Just a few months ago, fans were lamenting the lack of new content, but with the Gen 2 update introducing so many new characters, and with significant content releases planned throughout the year, those annoyances can be put in the past.

Pokemon GO is available for iOS and Android.

Source: Reddit