A Pokemon GO player stumbled upon an unusual bug that altered the appearance of a Jolteon they encountered recently. Having been on the market for over six years now, Pokemon GO is no stranger to the occasional bug, and most players would agree these tend to have either negative or neutral effect on the popular mobile game. This one, however, has had players wishing it was an actual feature.

As an AR-centric game that combines players’ locations, real-world landmarks, and cameras with virtual Pokemon-catching, Pokemon GO has more unusual systems working together than the average video game, and that occasionally leads to it breaking in different ways. The last few months alone have seen a few memorable examples ranging from letting players fight Team Rocket boss Giovanni without actually finding him to mashing up multiple Pokemon into an abomination that wouldn’t look out of place in a game like Elden Ring.

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Sometimes, though, a bug will turn out to be a pleasant surprise, as Reddit user Koruteni found out when they found a Jolteon with messed up coloring. As the screenshots they shared show, the Electric-type Eevee evolution isn’t sporting its usual yellow and white color scheme. Instead, this Jolteon boasts dark gray across its face, body, and upper ears, an orange mane, and yellow patches around its eyes. Despite being caused by a glitch, the altered color scheme actually works pretty well, so much so in fact that Koruteni bemoaned that it wasn’t an official option for Jolteon. It’s certainly not the first time a Pokemon GO glitch made a Pokemon look cool.

pokemon go jolteon glitch

Fans across the Pokemon Reddit community seem to feel similarly about the glitched Jolteon in Pokemon GO, judging by the overall reception to Koruteni’s post. Besides those who’d also like for its color scheme to be real, fans also made plenty of jokes. Several joked about what this Jolteon could be called, with names comparing it to pumpkin spice and rust, while its face reminded some of a luchador mask. Others, meanwhile, theorized what type this Pokemon could be, and naturally there were jokes about it being a Bug-type.

On that end, one user stated that the gray and orange color scheme would be a good fit for a Ground or Rock-type Eevee evolution. It certainly wouldn’t be a bad choice, and fans of Eevee and its many “Eeveelutions'' probably wouldn’t mind if it received a new form of that sort. It doesn’t look like a new Eeveelution will be introduced any time soon, unfortunately, but one can’t rule out the possibility that fans will be able to catch a new variant in games like Pokemon GO one day.

Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS devices.

MORE: The Pokemon Company is Leaving Money on the Table with No Gen 9 Eeveelution

Source: Reddit