With Deoxys replacing Mewtwo as the current EX raid boss, many Pokemon GO players now have their chance to battle and catch the legendary Psychic-type Mewtwo for the first time. However, it is still no pushover, and is still considered one of the strongest Pokemon in the mobile ARG. Below, check out how to take down this formidable foe:

Mewtwo has a raid boss CP of 60540, 18750 HP, and a max capture CP of 2275 (no weather boost, 100% IV) and 2844 (windy boost, 100% IV). Theoretically, this Pokemon GO legendary could be beaten with 3 well-prepared players, but most would be better off going against this powerful boss with at least 6.

The pure Psychic-type has access to the following moves as a Tier 5 raid boss:

  • Psycho Cut (quick Psychic-type move)
  • Confusion (quick Psychic-type move)
  • Psychic (charged, 1-bar Psychic-type move)
  • Focus Blast (charged, 1-bar Fighting-type move)
  • Ice Beam (charged, 2-bar Ice-type move)
  • Thunderbolt (charged, 2-bar Electric-type move)
  • Flamethrower (charged, 2-bar Fire-type move)

Perhaps the most important move to note is Focus Blast, as it eliminates Mewtwo's #1 counter: Tyranitar. Players also want to be prepared for either Ice Beam or Thunderbolt; this change-up in the legendary's moves make it more of a generalist. This means type advantage is key against Mewtwo, perhaps more than most tier 5 raids.

Psycho Cut is its quickest energy-building move, so players need to pay attention to that to know how fast its charged move will fill. Psycho Cut + Focus Blast is the legendary's strongest move set, with Confusion representing a smaller threat and Psychic/Flamethrower not being seriously viable charged moves. Psycho Cut + Psychic still makes Mewtwo the strongest Psychic-type attacker in the game, however.

One thing players can do to turn the tide is to make sure to use weather bonuses effectively. Rainy and Foggy weather will be the most useful, as the former empowers Bug-type counters and the latter does the same for Dark-type counters - Tyranitar. Avoid facing Mewtwo in either Cloudy weather (especially if attempting to counter with a Tyranitar) or Sunny, as those seriously increase the deadliness of the legendary's move set.


The best Pokemon (and move set) to counter Mewtwo are as follows:

  • Tyranitar (Bite/Crunch)
  • Mewtwo (Psycho Cut/Shadow Ball)
  • Gengar (Hex/Shadow Ball)
  • Houndoom (Snarl/Foul Play)
  • Scizor (Fury Cutter/X-scissor)
  • Shiftry (Feint Attack/Foul Play)

Mewtwo loses a lot of viable counters thanks to the following three moves: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Flamethrower. Ice Beam would be an absolute wrecking ball against Dragonite, Thunderbolt drops Gyarados in ranking, and Flamethrower - however weak - can do some serious damage to backup counters such as Shiftry. Essentially, Houndoom, Scizor, and Shiftrys are glass cannons against this legendary Pokemon.

Once players manage to defeat Mewtwo, they'll have to catch it. However, it's worth mentioning that its catch rate has also been nerfed as it transitioned from EX raid boss to tier 5 raid boss. Still, with the use of this guide, players should be able to beat Mewtwo and eventually catch the Psychic legendary.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions for Android and iOS.

Source: Pokemon GO Hub