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Pokemon Eggs were a new way for trainers to get Pokemon released back in Generation 2. Obtaining Eggs required leaving a male and female Pokemon of a compatible Egg Group at the Daycare. While Eggs exist in Pokemon GO, they have several differences that set them apart from the mainline games.

Related: Pokemon GO: Celesteela Raid Guide | Counters and Weaknesses

The Pokemon GO Eggs can be obtained in various ways such as spinning PokeStops, battling Team GO Rocket Leaders, and more. There are five different types of Eggs in GO. Eggs are classified by the km it takes to hatch them, such as 2km Eggs or 7km Eggs. Players should familiarize themselves with which Eggs will hatch what Pokemon and how to go about obtaining them.

Types Of Eggs & Hatchable Pokemon

pokemon go 2km eggs

There are six different Eggs in Pokemon GO:

  • 2km (Green spots)
  • 5km (Orange spots)
  • 7km (Yellow with pink spots)
  • 10km (Purple spots)
  • 12km (Red spots)
  • 5/10km Adventure Sync Eggs (Orange/Purple spots)

As most players could probably tell, the Pokemon GO Eggs are classified by the distance that players will need to walk in order for them to hatch. 2km Eggs are the most common type of Eggs with 12km Eggs being the rarest. Each category of Eggs hatches different types of Pokemon. Unfortunately for those looking to hatch a specific species, the Pokemon is randomly generated.

Players can hold up to a total of 12 Eggs. 2km, 5km, 7km, and 10km Eggs are stored together (9 slots), while 12km Eggs are placed in the Bonus Storage (3 slots). To view Pokemon Eggs, do the following:

  1. Select the Poke Ball icon on the overworld map.
  2. Select Pokemon, then slide right to the Eggs tab.
  3. OR: Select the Trainer icon in the bottom-left. Then, scroll down to where it says Eggs.

As of September 2022, here's each Egg Type and their Hatchable Pokemon:

2km Eggs

How to Obtain:

  • Spin PokeStops.

Hatchable Pokemon (Very Common):

  • Magikarp
  • Pichu
  • Cleffa
  • Meditite
  • Munna
  • Pikipek
  • Yungoos
  • Fomantis
  • Stufful
  • Wimpod

5km Eggs

How to Obtain:

Hatchable Pokemon (Very Common):

  • Togepi
  • Tyrogue
  • Elekid
  • Magby

Hatchable Pokemon (Common):

  • Miltank
  • Bronzor
  • Rowlet
  • Litten
  • Popplio

7km Eggs

How to Obtain:

  • Receive Gifts from friends.
  • 7km Eggs are special because the Pokemon they hatch depends on the in-game Event. Regional variants such as Galarian Ponyta currently make up the 7km Egg Pool.

Hatchable Pokemon (All Rarity):

(Event-exclusive Pokemon):

  • Meowth (Alolan)
  • Geodude (Alolan)
  • Vulpix (Alolan)
  • Sandshrew (Alolan)
  • Diglett (Alolan)
  • Farfetch'd (Galarian)
  • Grimer (Alolan)
  • Ponyta (Galarian)
  • Meowth (Galarian)
  • Slowpoke (Galarian)
  • Zigzagoon (Galarian)
  • Stunfisk (Galarian)
  • Darumaka (Galarian)

10km Eggs

Related: Pokemon GO: How to Evolve Murkrow

How to Obtain:

  • Spin PokeStops.

Hatchable Pokemon (Very Common):

  • Tirtouga
  • Archen
  • Rockruff
  • Mienfoo

Hatchable Pokemon (Common):

  • Noibat
  • Espurr
  • Axew

Hatchable Pokemon (Uncommon):

  • Jangmo-o
  • Riolu
  • Goomy

12km Eggs

How to Obtain:

Hatchable Pokemon (Very Common):

  • Pawniard
  • Larvitar
  • Scraggy
  • Vullaby

Hatchable Pokemon (Common):

  • Sandile
  • Pancham

Hatchable Pokemon (Uncommon):

  • Absol
  • Dieno
  • Skorupi
  • Skrelp
  • Salandit

Adventure Sync Eggs (5km Or 10km)

Every week, Pokemon GO tracks the amount of km walked. If players manage to walk 25km or 50km in a week, they'll receive a 5km or 10km Egg respectively. Keep in mind that if players already have 9 Eggs, they won't receive an Adventure Sync Egg. The Egg Pool for Adventure Sync Eggs are different from regular 5km and 10km Eggs.

How to Obtain:

  • 5km Eggs: Walk 25km in a week.
  • 10km Eggs: Walk 50km in a week.

Hatchable Pokemon (Very Common):

5km Eggs:

  • Tynamo
  • Skrelp
  • Clauncher
  • Frillish
  • Cranidos
  • Shieldon

10km Eggs:

  • Beldum
  • Bagon
  • Riolu
  • Dieno
  • Noibat
  • Dratini

During Events, players will have a chance of hatching a Pokemon that isn't normally part of an Egg Pool. For example, Audino is hatchable from a 10km during the Pokemon GO Fest 2022. There are also Pokemon that are exclusive by region. Sigilyph will hatch from a 10km Egg, but only in specific regions.

How To Hatch Eggs

pokemon go egg incubators

Each player will have one Egg Incubator that has an unlimited amount of uses. Other Egg Incubators such as the blue ones will have to be bought from the in-game Shop using PokeCoins. Blue Egg Incubators can be used three times before they break. A Super Incubator will lessen the amount of time an Egg needs to hatch. For example, a 12km Egg will require players to walk 8km instead of 12km to hatch. Like the regular Egg Incubator, the Super Incubator will break after three uses. An Egg Incubator costs 150 PokeCoins while the Super Incubator costs 200 PokeCoins. Sometimes, Egg Incubators may be included in the Limited Time Only boxes at the Shop.

To actually hatch the Egg, all players need to do is make sure the Egg is incubated. To incubate an Egg, go into the Egg menu and select an Egg. Then, tap "Incubate" and choose one of the Incubators in the inventory. New Pokemon GO players will have the orange Egg Incubator and three blue Egg Incubators to get started.

The km when hatching an Egg will only count if the player is walking. If players are traveling by vehicle, the distance traveled will not be calculated.

Hatching Eggs will also reward players with Pokemon Candy of the species that's hatched. They'll also get XP and Stardust. Unlike XP, the amount of Candy and Stardust received will be randomly generated within a set range:

Type of Egg






Up to 15 Candy




Up to 21 Candy




Up to 21 Candy




Up to 32 Candy




Up to 32 Candy


Pokemon GO is available for mobile devices.

More: Pokemon GO: Full Game Guide | Tips, Tricks, and Events