Pokemon GO has found a lot of ways to let players catch new Legendary and Mythical Pokemon over the years. Raids have been a crucial part of the game's ecosystem for years, testing a player's battle skills and giving them a chance to catch a valuable Pokemon. Pokemon GO later introduced Special Research, a quest system attached to events that regularly earns players Legendary and Mythical Pokemon upon their debut in-game. However, although Pokemon GO has a couple reliable ways to find these Pokemon, it also revoked one; longtime players remember the days when Research Breakthroughs served as a way to catch the most valuable monsters.

Research Breakthroughs offered some fantastic Pokemon when they were introduced. The Kanto region's legendary birds, Kyogre and Groudon, Latios and Latias, and many more served as rewards for Pokemon GO's players. However, around the end of 2019, these Legendary Pokemon started to disappear from the game's Research Breakthroughs, making them considerably harder to find. Although Pokemon GO tends to pick Breakthrough Pokemon based more specifically on the month's events nowadays, it's not as satisfying as getting a truly rare Pokemon. Niantic should bring back the chance to cash in a week's work in exchange for Legendary Pokemon.

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Pokemon GO Needs to Be Rewarding

pokemon go july research breakthrough

Current Research Breakthrough rewards just don't cut it compared to Legendaries. In October 2021, the Breakthrough reward was a Yamask, which was a particularly weak reward since the Ghost-type was already available thanks to the Halloween event. In the month before that, Ditto was the Breakthrough reward, which is a rare Pokemon, but not a particularly useful one in Pokemon GO. These are just two examples of many months where the Breakthrough reward is a slightly rare but not particularly impressive or truly exclusive Pokemon. All these mundane rewards make Pokemon GO's Research Breakthroughs lack a concrete payoff.

Again, this type of quest takes a week's worth of work at the very least, since players have to complete quests on seven different days to get a Research Breakthrough. Few other tasks in Pokemon GO take quite that long to complete. Many Special Research questlines can be completed in a day by a dedicated player with enough free time, and even Pokemon GO's 12 kilometer Eggs can be hatched in one day by a sufficiently determined walker. If Pokemon GO players have to wait a whole week for a Research Breakthroughs, then they deserve more significant rewards for playing so regularly.

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More Chances to Get Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon go ho-oh

Balancing an influx of Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO wouldn't be too difficult. For instance, in months where Research Breakthroughts give fans Legendaries, Niantic could scale back or wholly remove item or Stardust rewards, making the Legendary Pokemon the sole reward for a Breakthrough. Niantic could make the Legendaries fairly hard to catch, too, so that players might spend valuable resources to secure the catch. It's not an insignificant cost, but if it meant getting Legendary Pokemon regularly through Breakthroughs, it'd be worth it.

The Pokemon GO community would really appreciate returning to the old Legendary rotation. Longtime regular players would love to get more Candy for their Legendaries, while newer or more infrequent characters would certainly appreciate another way to catch Legendary Pokemon that they missed out on during the early days of Research Breakthroughs.

Pokemon GO's many events are all great ways to entice players with Legendary Pokemon. However, for fans who don't always have time for Raids or struggle to get through occasionally demanding Special Research, the simpler but week-long Research Breakthroughs are a crucial way of getting Legendary Pokemon. It's about time that Niantic restores th Pokemon GO ecosystem to its former glory.

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS devices.

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