In just over a month it will be time for Pokemon GO trainers to once again power through a weekend of GO Fest activities in the mobile AR game. The exciting event will feature the chance to fill in a lot of tough to find missing Pokedex entries, complete limited time quests, and encounter a brand new 5-star Battle Raid boss.

The upcoming GO Fest 2022 event is going to feature habitat hours, just like the last few have. That means that Pokemon GO players will be seeing different Pokemon spawn in the wild each hour as the various habitats come and go throughout the day's activities. The spawns will likely align with the day's collection challenges and Special Research once again.

RELATED: Pokemon GO Fest 2022: Ticket Holder Exclusive Bonuses

To take full advantage of the Habitat Hours, players will want to take note of which Pokemon are spawning during each of the four various periods. Players can expect to see each habitat featured twice over an eight-hour period during day one of GO Fest 2022...

Pokemon GO Fest 2022 promo image

The first day of the event will feature four rotating habitat hours. Different Pokémon will appear during each habitat hour and themed confetti will appear on the map.


  • Magnemite
  • Alolan Grimer
  • Hitmonchan
  • Baltoy
  • Trash Cloak Burmy
  • Bronzor
  • Pidove
  • Trubbish
  • Gothita
  • Golett
  • Litten

If you’re lucky, you may encounter

  • Costumed Pikachu
  • Galarian Weezing


  • Girafarig
  • Dunsparce
  • Larvitar
  • Numel
  • Trapinch
  • Buizel
  • Patrat
  • Drilbur
  • Shelmet
  • Rufflet
  • Litleo

If you’re lucky, you may encounter

  • Costumed Pikachu
  • Axew


  • Mudkip
  • Seedot
  • Shroomish
  • Slakoth
  • Turtwig
  • Chimchar
  • Venipede
  • Karrablast
  • Binacle
  • Skrelp
  • Rowlet

If you’re lucky, you may encounter

  • Costumed Pikachu
  • Pancham


  • Omanyte
  • Swinub
  • Wingull
  • Meditite
  • Wailmer
  • Spheal
  • Piplup
  • Vanillite
  • Cubchoo
  • Bergmite
  • Popplio

If you’re lucky, you may encounter

  • Costumed Pikachu
  • Galarian Darumaka

That's a lot to keep track of during the big event, so trainers may want to bookmark this list and return to it during the event. There are a lot of other bonuses coming and going throughout the two-day event, so keep a close eye on available research and the Today view when they wrap up May's PoGO events and the event is underway.

Over the next week or so players should begin to learn a lot more about what other events are on the way during the coming days of the Season of Alola. Be sure to check back in the near future for more Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide For General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies