A Pokemon GO fan is proposing a new idea to potentially improve the Remote Raid Pass system. These passes currently enable Pokemon GO players to join nearby raids even if they aren't directly within reach of the Gym.

Pokemon GO fans have been fairly vocal about their frustrations with the popular mobile game lately. Many feel that the game has a lot of problems, and rather than address those problems, developer Niantic is choosing to focus on features like Pokemon GO's postcard system. One player has taken it into their own hands to propose a potential addition to the Raid Passes that may make Raids more accessible to more players.

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The post comes from marlowe227 on the Pokemon GO subreddit, and it proposes the idea of "Semi-Remote Raid Passes." These Raid Passes would further expand the reach for players who want to join raids but are still too far away to use a regular Remote Raid Pass. It would essentially allow players to join any raid within viewing distance. One commenter noted how frustrating it can be to see players sitting in a lobby for a Raid that's getting ready to start, especially a rare one like the recent Pokemon GO Regigigas Raids, just far enough away that the spectating player doesn't actually have time to get within range and join.

The COVID era is what initially brought the Remote Raid Passes to life. The pandemic really affected the Pokemon GO community and made it more difficult than ever, virtually impossible in some places, for players to continue connecting in person as they once had. The Remote Raid Passes made the game a lot more convenient in general, as they allow more players to join events where it can be a challenge to organize the number of people necessary to win, like Mewtwo in the current Pokemon GO Rising Shadows event.

For Niantic, though, the idea behind Raids is clearly to build upon the community aspect of Pokemon GO. From the beginning, it seemed obvious that the company wanted players to physically be present for the raids. That's what led to the developer ultimately dialing back the accessibility of Remote Raid Passes in Pokemon Go despite protests within the community. Marlowe227 ends their post by saying that they're not a jobless kid or retired grandma, and thus don't have the time to be physically present every time there's a rare Raid going on. Niantic may choose to budge on this issue in the future, but right now it doesn't seem like much is going to change.

Pokemon GO is available on mobile now.

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