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Eevee and its eight evolutions (known as 'Eeveelutions' in the community) are popular for a reason. They're adorable, fox-like Pokemon that represent eight monotypes, and all of them have been available in every game since their introduction, including Pokemon GO. Players wanting to sink resources into their favorite Pokemon will want to know the best moves to prioritize. Here are the best movesets for Eevee and each Eeveelution in Pokemon GO.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Best Moveset for Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, and Hitmonchan

9 Eevee Best Moveset

EEVEE pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Quick Attack


Charged Attack

Last Resort


Charged Attack

Body Slam


As a pre-evolution, it is no match for its evolved counterparts - though there are situations where it may be necessary to fight with Eevee. If a player is wanting to gain hearts with a buddy Eevee to evolve it into Espeon, Umbreon, or Sylveon, battling with Eevee can help. In that case, Quick Attack and Last Resort are the best options. They're both Normal-type moves, meaning Eevee gets STAB.

8 Vaporeon Best Moveset

vaporeon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Water Gun


Charged Attack

Hydro Pump


While not quite as powerful as a leveled-up Kyogre or Gyarados, a high-powered Vaporeon will do well in battles, especially PvE. If a player doesn't have access to those high-powered Water-types, Vaporeon is a very good (and surprisingly cheap) alternative, saving the player Stardust and Candy in the long run.

7 Jolteon Best Moveset

jolteon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Thunder Shock


Charged Attack



Charged Attack

Zap Cannon


Fans of Jolteon will want to stick with PvE, as it is not the strongest Electric-type Pokemon in the game. It can pack a powerful punch with Zap Cannon if the player was lucky enough to snag the elusive Elite TM. It's still a pretty good budget choice if there are no other options, as it has got a decent attack stat.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: How To Get Jolteon

6 Flareon Best Moveset

flareon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Fire Spin


Charged Attack



Charged Attack



One of the original three Eeveelutions, Flareon was available in Pokemon GO from the very beginning. While no match for the Legendaries, Flareon is a pretty powerful non-Legendary Fire-type. With powerful attack and defense stats, Flareon is a great match for Ice-, Grass-, Bug-, and Steel-type Pokemon.

5 Espeon Best Moveset

espeon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack



Charged Attack



Charged Attack

Future Sight


Despite its high attack stat, Espeon doesn't really get the chance to shine in PvP. There are just better options when it comes to Psychic-types, like Mewtwo and Metagross. Where Espeon does shine, however, is PvE. It's a great option for countering Fighting- and Poison-types when up against Team Rocket Grunts.

4 Umbreon Best Moveset

umbreon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack



Charged Attack

Foul Play


Charged Attack

Dark Pulse


Of all the Eeeveelutions, Umbreon is the most powerful due to its speed, bulk, and access to strong moves. With the right moveset, Umbreon will do well in the Great and Ultra League. Thanks to the relatively cheap cost of powering up and adding a second Charged Move to the Eeveelutions, Umbreon is one of the best choices for Dark-type Pokemon in PvP and PvE.

3 Leafeon Best Moveset

leafeon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Bullet Seed


Charged Attack

Solar Beam


Charged Attack

Leaf Blade


Leafeon is the pure Grass-type evolution of Eevee that was added to the game in 2019. It has a unique evolution method, so beyond using the name trick, players will need a Mossy Lure Module, and to evolve an Eevee within the radius of one. The high defense stat of Leafeon makes it a strong candidate for PvP and gym battles, and while it's not the strongest Grass-type Pokemon, it's certainly not the weakest.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: How To Get Shedninja

2 Glaceon Best Moveset

glaceon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack

Frost Breath


Charged Attack



Charged Attack

Ice Beam


Ice is the weakest type defensively, having four primary weaknesses, one resistance (itself), and no immunities. For that reason, it's best to go on the offense with Glaceon. Both Frost Breath and Avalanche do STAB damage, which makes Glaceon a formidable opponent against Flying-, Ground-, Grass-, and Dragon-types.

1 Sylveon Best Moveset

sylveon pokemon go header

Move Name

PVP Base Damage

Fast Attack



Charged Attack

Dazzling Gleam


Charged Attack



The final evolution of Eevee thus far, Sylveon is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon and a sure fan-favorite. With access to some of the most powerful Fairy-type moves in the game, Sylveon is a strong choice for battles against Dark,- Dragon-, and Fighting-type Pokemon. There isn't necessarily a need for a second attack with Sylveon, as both of its most powerful moves do the same amount of damage.

Pokemon GO is available for free on Android and iOS mobile devices.

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