When the Pokemon GOUltra Week rewards were announced leading up to GO Fest 2020, fans were thrilled at the idea of a Dragon Week event. As more details arrived, hype continued to grow due to excitement over shiny Gible and Deino opportunities. Sadly, the event itself ended up being surrounded by a bit of drama as some trainers complained about the incredibly low hatch rate for the rarest dragons from 7km eggs and many players experience a bug with the Timed Research that has made it difficult to complete the tasks before the end of the event arrives.

Dragon Week is scheduled to conclude this afternoon and make room for the start of Enigma Week. That said, some players feel like they need more time with the current event thanks to a frustrating bug with the Today View and the Timed Research. The bug makes the current Timed Research disappear from the menu and become inaccessible. This means that players can't see what they need to be doing and they can't interact with the Timed Research to claim rewards or move on to the next level. The problem isn't universal within Pokemon GO, but it has been reported by many users.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Why Are Fans Unhappy With Dragon Week?

It's arriving a bit late in the game, but Niantic says that a fix has been rolled out that should address the issue. Previously players should've been able to get the Timed Research to reappear by crashing the app and restarting, but even this approach could sometimes take multiple attempts before the tasks would reappear in the Today View. The new fix claims to have addressed the issue that was making the tasks disappear in the first place, so constantly restarting the app should no longer be necessary.

To help out players who were plagued by the issue, Niantic is extending the Timed Research until August 8 at 5am local time. For most players, that'll be about an extra half day to finish things. Luckily, the Timed Research for Dragon Week is actually fairly easy and quick and the average player should be able to power through the tasks (even if they're starting from the beginning) in just a handful of hours if they're willing to use some Incense, Lures, and travel around a bit to places with dense spawns.

Interestingly, a follow up tweet also suggests that a make-up Timed Research is going to arrive at a later date. Considering the fact that some players may not have time to dedicate to the tasks on the one day they'll be working correctly this week, it only seems fair to give those users another chance in the near future. It seems likely that the makeup event will also need to feature some increased Dragon-type spawns for some window of time, since so many of the tasks required involve catching them to progress.

As trainers continue working through these events, they may want to keep hunting down the best Unova Pokemon in the game if improving their Battle Raid rosters and completing their Pokedex is their primary goal. Be sure to check back in the near future for more Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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Source: Niantic Support