Like most games that require frequent patches and updates, Pokemon GO has developed a subset of fans who have mastered datamining the game's source code to find secrets and hints about upcoming features, events, and content. This information is always subject to change, but the datamines have become a fairly reliable method for predicting what is on the way to the mobile AR game.

Although the game usually only has a handful of significant datamines each month, the last week or so has been very busy. A series of Pokemon GO datamines came day-after-day earlier this week and revealed some major insights about new features that are coming to game and some surprise events that Niantic had yet to announce.

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Before we start breaking down the biggest highlights from all the recent datamines, keep in mind that none of this information has been confirmed by Niantic and any of it could change, or be removed from the source code, at any time.


Friend Filtering

This new option would allow players to quickly sort their friends list by additional filters like who can still accept Gifts, who is Interactable, who is Lucky, or simply by Friend Level. This should provide a major quality of life improvement for all the players who have lengthy Friends list (which is most people thanks to the emphasis on Friends and Gifting in many quests or events).

RESOURCE ID: filter_friend_key_giftable

TEXT: giftable

RESOURCE ID: filter_friend_key_interactable

TEXT: interactable

RESOURCE ID: filter_friend_key_lucky

TEXT: lucky

RESOURCE ID: filter_friend_key_rank

TEXT: friendlevel

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Pokemon GO Pokestop Submissions

Wayfarer Badges

These badges won't really impact gameplay in any significant way, but they do offer another collective for the game's completionists to hunt down and try to earn...

RESOURCE ID: badge_wayfarer

TEXT: Earn {0} Wayfarer Agreements

RESOURCE ID: badge_wayfarer_singular

TEXT: Earn a Wayfarer Agreement

RESOURCE ID: badge_wayfarer_title TEXT: Wayfarer

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Remote Raiding Details

Pokemon GO Remote Raiding

A whole bunch of Remote Raiding code was added now that the cat is out of the bag. The new code adds the assets for the passes themselves, a limit on the number of passes players can hold, code to invite Friends to your remote raids, remote raid level requirements, the ability for Niantic to toggle damage modifiers on and off, tutorials, status flags, error messages, remote buddy giftings, and a ton more. The Remote code was incredibly length, so we won't copy it all here, but players can visit Pokemon GO Hub to see the whole teardown.

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pokemon go sinnoh celebration event

Throwback 2020 Event

Assuming the datamined code is accurate and doesn't change, Pokemon GO's Throwback Challenge 2020 will put a spotlight on the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions. The event will likely feature increased spawn rates specific to each region for certain windows of time to help players complete as much of those Pokedex sections as possible.

It's quite possible that this event could mean Niantic is starting to prepare to rollout out the next generation of Pokemon. Historically, the game has offered an event to help complete the available existing Pokedex entries just before announcing the release of another generation's worth of Pokemon.

RESOURCE ID: throwback_2020_celebrationTEXT: Throwback Challenge 2020 Celebration

RESOURCE ID: throwback_2020_kanto_event_nameTEXT: Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto

RESOURCE ID: throwback_2020_johto_event_nameTEXT: Throwback Challenge 2020: Johto

RESOURCE ID: throwback_2020_hoenn_event_nameTEXT: Throwback Challenge 2020: Hoenn

RESOURCE ID: throwback_2020_sinnoh_event_nameTEXT: Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh

Throwback 2020 36-part Special Research

The latest datamine, discovered at the end of this week, revealed some additional code related to the Throwback 2020 Special Research. The details suggest that will be a nine-part quest for each of the four generations, coming together to create a massive 36-part story arc. This is one of the longest Special Research assignments that Pokemon GO will have ever delivered and it will be very exciting to see what sort of story it brings and how significant the encounter rewards are for players who make it to the end.

RESOURCE ID: quest_title_throwback_kanto_0

TEXT: Throwback Challenge: Kanto (1/9)

RESOURCE ID: quest_title_throwback_johto_0

TEXT: Throwback Challenge: Johto (1/9)

RESOURCE ID: quest_title_throwback_hoenn_0

TEXT: Throwback Challenge: Hoenn (1/9)

RESOURCE ID: quest_title_throwback_sinnoh_0

TEXT: Throwback Challenge: Sinnoh (1/9)

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Possible Upcoming Community Day Pokemon

Although this datamined code doesn't specifically mention Community Day events, in the past Niantic has often disguised Community Day related setup code as "special quests." This code matches that pattern and adds special quests for five Pokemon who may or may not be features in the spotlight of upcoming Community Day activities. The Pokemon mentioned in the special quests code are:







RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special41_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Spheal

RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special42_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Weedle

RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special43_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Starly

RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special44_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Seedot

RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special45_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Grimer

RESOURCE ID: quest_catch_special46_plural

TEXT: Catch {0} Porygon

pokemon go february 2020 community day voting choice

Other Misc. Items

Incense Text for Abra Day

RESOURCE ID: incense_duration_three_hours

TEXT: 3 hour Incense duration

New Reality Blending AR Code

RESOURCE ID: occlusions_tutorial_title

TEXT: Reality Blending

RESOURCE ID: monodepth_download_prompt_success_message

TEXT: Now you can enjoy a more immersive

AR experience with your Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: occlusions_forced_on_toast

TEXT: Reality Blending enabled

RESOURCE ID: occlusions_prompt_toast

TEXT: Turn on Reality Blending here

RESOURCE ID: occlusions_tutorial_body_forced_on

TEXT: This feature allows Pokémon in AR mode to fit more seamlessly into your surroundings and move behind objects.

RESOURCE ID: occlusions_tutorial_body_off

TEXT: This feature allows Pokémon in AR mode to fit more seamlessly into your surroundings and move behind objects. You can turn this feature on by tapping the Reality Blending button.

At this point, players may want to keep hunting down the best Unova Pokemon in the game if improving their Battle Raid rosters is their primary goal. Be sure to check back in the near future for more Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: What Is Pokestop Scanning?