With not much time being left for trainers in Pokemon GO's Hoenn Celebration Event, players need to act fast to complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge. This challenge requires players to catch all of the Pokemon listed before the main event is over for a prize.

The majority of the Pokemon needed for the Hoenn Collection Challenge are included in Pokemon GO's increased spawn pools for the Hoenn event. Some of these Pokemon, however, need to be obtained in ways other than wandering around with an incense on.

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One of the Pokemon that many players may struggle to find in time is the pure Electric-type Minun. While not very strong, it is required for the Hoenn Collection Challenge and cannot be obtained from the increased spawn pools, the event's egg pools, or by fighting it as a raid boss.

Pokemon Minun

In order to get an encounter with Minun, players will need to complete a special event-exclusive field research task. In order to get this task, players will need to spin PokeStops while the Hoenn Celebration Event is still active. Not just any task will do however, as players need to get the task that requires them to catch eleven Pokemon.

After players get the task, they just need to complete it. Any eleven Pokemon will do as long as players just catch them. Once it's complete, players will be awarded with a Pokemon encounter. This encounter is not guaranteed to be with Minun, as either Minun or Plusle will be the encounter. Both are needed for the Hoenn Collection Challenge though, so players will need to complete this field research task multiple times no matter what.

When encountering Minun, there is a small chance for the Pokemon to be shiny. Players can tell the difference between a normal and shiny Minun the easiest way by looking at Minun's ears, cheeks, paws, and tail. A normal Minun's colored parts are a light blue while a shiny Minun's are instead a light green.

If players catch all of the Pokemon needed for the Hoenn Collection Challenge before the Hoenn Celebration Event ends, they will get a prize of three Silver Pinap berries, 5,000 XP, and one incense. Players only have until 8:00 p.m. in their local times on January 24 to complete it.

Minun is not a Pokemon typically used for battle, but it only is weak to Ground-type moves. It also resists Steel, Electric, and Flying-type moves.

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS.

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Source: Leek Duck