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Many players were excited to see Pancham join the ranks in Pokemon GO. The pint-sized fighter evolves into the fan-favorite Pangoro and everyone wanted to catch one of their own.

RELATED: What Fighting-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

In the end, Panchams turned out to be quite more difficult to acquire than players expected. With a weird method to evolve them as well, players need to plan carefully to get a strong one for their team.

How To Catch Pancham

Eggs with red splotches.

While it was once available in special raids, it has become much harder for trainers to catch a Pancham of their own in Pokemon GO. They are not available for capture in the wild, instead only being able to be hatched from eggs and special ones at that.

Strange Eggs (12km)

Strange Eggs cannot be collected from Pokestops unlike other eggs. These unique red eggs can only be acquired by defeating Team Rocket leaders in Pokemon GO (Arlo, Cliff, Sierra). This does not include Giovanni who does not give out Strange Eggs when defeated.

Strange Eggs can also only be added to the inventory if players don't already have openings so players should be sure they have plenty of space. With the addition of Bonus Storage to Pokemon GO, players will have three special slots that can be used for Strange Eggs or Adventure Sync Awards that should be taken into account as well.

Chances For Hatching Pancham (And How To Hatch Them Fast)

A Togepi surrounded by eggs.

Strange Eggs have the possibility of hatching ten different Pokemon meaning that at best, each trainer has a one in ten chance of an egg hatching into a Pancham. Players have also reported that Pancham seems to statistically show up less often than the rest, potentially leaving it in a special tier of rarity.

Pokemon Available From Strange Eggs

  • Absol
  • Deino
  • Larvitar
  • Pancham
  • Pawniard
  • Qwilfish
  • Sandile
  • Scraggy
  • Skorupi
  • Vullaby

How To Hatch Eggs Quickly

With it being difficult to be sure if a Strange Egg will even hatch into a Pancham in the end, players will want to make sure they optimize the egg hatching experience — especially with the long 12km walking distance required. Fortunately, there are many potential ways to decrease the time it takes to hatch them.

RELATED: Pokemon GO Egg Pool

Players should consider purchasing a Super Incubator to decrease the walking distance by half — only 6km! While they cost 200 PokeCoins to purchase, they can sometimes be gotten at a discount through special boxes in the store. It's also important to walk at an optimal speed as players have reported that about 6.5 mph is the best for the app to record maximum distance.

How To Evolve Pancham Into Pangoro

A Pangoro roaring.

The process to evolve Pancham is a bit more complex than most other Pokemon in the game. First, Pancham will have to be made into the player's walking buddy. Then, the player will have to catch 32 Dark type Pokemon — any caught while Pancham isn't a walking buddy won't count but catching them all in a row is not required. More Dark types appear at night so it's best to hunt then if possible.

Once players have managed to catch all of their new Dark-type friends, they will still need 50 Pancham candies to evolve it. Players should make sure they pick the perfect Pancham if they can as the process can take quite some time to go through for a sub-par Pokemon.

NEXT: Where To Catch Fighting-Type Pokemon In Pokemon GO