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Ultra Beasts were an interesting addition to the Pokemon franchise when they were first introduced, but regardless of feelings about them in other games, there's no denying they are powerful enough to have a major impact on the Pokemon GO metagame. Most trainers want to take the time to battle and encounter all of them to secure those Pokedex entries and have them in storage for future battling.

When it comes to defeating an Ultra Beast in Pokemon GO and earning an encounter reward, trainers will need to be careful to do some homework ahead of time. Players will have a much easier time successfully completing Ultra Beast Battle Raids if they take to the time to learn each Beast's weaknesses beforehand. When it comes to Buzzwole, that means finding ways to exploit its 2x weakness to Flying-type.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Nihilego Raid Guide | Counters and Weaknesses

Buzzwole's dual pairing gives it a handful of interesting weaknesses, but the 2x Flying-type blind spot is definitely where players will want to focus when pulling together a powerful counter roster. Players who enter the battle with a handful of friends and a roster of strong Flying-types who have been powered up with Stardust and Candy are likely going to have a much easier time taking down this boss.

Pokemon GO Ultra Beasts Nihilego Buzzwole Pheromosa Xurkitree

Buzzwole Weaknesses

This Ultra Beast Raid Boss is a Bug- and Fairy-type, which means that Buzzwole is 2x weak to Flying-type moves and weak to Fairy-, Fire, and Psychic type moves.

Best Buzzwole Counters

Moltres - Wing Attack/Sky Attack

Rayquaza - Air Slash/Hurricane

Braviary - Air Slash/Brave Bird

Yveltal - Gust/Hurricane

Tornadus - Air Slash/Hurricane

Staraptor - Wing Attack/Brave Bird

Tornadus (Incarnate) - Air Slash/Hurricane

Honchkrow - Peck/Sky Attack

Tornadus (Therian) - Gust/Hurricane

Unfezant - Air Slash/Sky Attack

Zapdos - Charge Beam/Drill Peck

Ho-Oh - Extrasensory/Brave Bird

Mewtwo - Confusion/Psystrike

Toucannon - Peck/Drill Peck

Lugia - Extrasensory/Aeroblast

That should be everything trainers need to know to pull together a respectable counter roster for Buzzwole Ultra Beast Battle Raids in the mobile AR game. Remember that it may be worth burning through some Elite TMs to equip the counter roster with optimal move sets for this battle. Most of these counter options are pretty evergreen and the investment would likely pay off in future counter rosters, as well.

Be sure to check back in the near future for lots more Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Full Game Guide | Tips, Tricks, and Events