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The Litwick-line made its debut in the fifth generation of Pokemon in Pokemon Black/White. However, it wouldn't be until 2019 that they were finally included in Pokemon GO, with their Shiny forms released on October 15, 2022, for Community Day. Players looking to use Litwick in PVP or for Gym Battles/Defending should focus on evolving it into Chandelure first.

Chandelure's strengths are in its Special Attack and learnset/TMs. In the main series, Chandelure will evolve if Lampent is given a Dusk Stone. Like any other Pokemon that requires evolution stones, Lampent's evolution method is a bit different in Pokemon GO. After Chandelure is evolved, players can work on dedicating some time to creating an offensive or defensive moveset.

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How to Get Chandelure in Pokemon GO

pokemon go chandelure pokedex

Chandelure can't be caught in the wild in Pokemon GO, so players will need to first catch a Litwick. These were common during the last few weeks of October 2022 (since Community Day), but it's not entirely impossible to catch them even though the event is over. Thanks to its Ghost/Fire-typing, it has a higher chance of appearing during foggy or sunny weather. Once Litwick is caught, the next thing to do is evolve it into a Lampent.

Players will need 25 Litwick Candy to evolve Litwick into Lampent. Then, to evolve Lampent into Chandelure, players will need 100 Litwick Candy and oneUnova Stone. The only way to get Litwick Candy is by catching more Litwick.

A quick way to farm Candy is by feeding a wild Litwick a Pinap Berry or Silver Pinap Berry before catching it. As for Unova Stones, players can get these by defeating the Team GO Rocket Leaders, getting Research Breakthroughs, or by spinning a PokeStop on the final day of a seven-day streak. They only have a 1% chance of dropping. Sometimes, Pokemon GO will give Unova Stones as a reward for Timed Research, so be sure to keep an eye out for in-game events.

Understanding Chandelure's Typing and Moves in Pokemon GO


As Ghost/Fire-type, Chandelure has the following effectiveness and type weaknesses:

Strong against

Ghost, Psychic, Bug, Grass, Steel, Ice

Weak against

Dark, Ghost, Water, Ground, Rock

Resistant to

Steel, Grass, Fairy, Ice, Fire, Poison, Bug, *Normal, *Fighting

In mainline Pokemon games, Chandelure's Ghost-typing would make it immune to Normal and Fighting-type moves. Since Pokemon GO 's battle system is different , it can give and receive damage to/from Normal and Fighting-type Pokemon.

Chandelure can have any of the following moves upon evolving from Lampent in Pokemon GO:

Quick Moves

  • Fire Spin (Fire-type)
  • Hex (Ghost-type)
  • Incinerate (Fire-type)

Charge Moves

  • Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)
  • Poltergeist (Ghost-type)
  • Flame Charge (Fire-type)
  • Overheat (Fire-type)
  • Energy Ball (Grass-type)

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Best Moves for Chandelure

pokemon go chandelure battle train

Two of Chandelure's best Quick Moves are Hex (Ghost-type) and Fire Spin (Fire-type). Between the two, Fire Spin does more damage, but Hex has higher EPS (Energy per Second). This means that Hex will fill up the charge gauge for Chandelure's Charge Move faster than Fire Spin at the cost of lower damage and lower DPS (Damage per Second).

As for Chandelure's Charged Move, players can either go with Shadow Ball (Ghost-type) or Overheat (Fire-type). Shadow Ball deals 100 Damage, while Overheat deals 160. However, Overheat will "harshly lower" Chandelure's Attack after it's been used. That may be something players want to keep in mind when they're battling. Alternatively, players can have Chandelure's Charge Move as Poltergeist (Ghost-type). When evolving Lampent, it will sometimes have Poltergeist as its Charge Move. If not, players will need to use an Elite TM.

Quick Move

Charge Move

Pros & Cons

Moveset option #1


  • Shadow Ball
  • Poltergeist
  • Pros
    • Chandelure will gain STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus).
    • Ghost-type moves are strong against Ghost and Psychic-type Pokemon.
  • Cons
    • This moveset won't inflict much damage on Normal-type Pokemon.
    • Fire Spin has low EPS.

Moveset option #2

Fire Spin


  • Pros
    • Chandelure will gain STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus).
    • Fire-type moves are strong against Grass, Bug, Steel, and Ice-type Pokemon.
  • Cons
    • This moveset won't inflict much damage on Water, Rock, Fire, or Dragon-type Pokemon.
    • Using Overheat will greatly lower Chandelure's Special Attack.

Moveset option #3

Fire Spin

Shadow Ball

  • Pros
    • Chandelure will gain STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus).
    • Two different typings for Quick and Charge Moves give Chandelure higher coverage.
  • Cons
    • The Charge Move isn't very effective against Normal-type Pokemon.
    • Fire Spin has low EPS.

Players looking to add some Type Coverage in Chandelure's moveset may consider setting Energy Ball (Grass-type) as its Charge Move. This will give it coverage against Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon. Since it's a Grass-type Move, however, Chandelure won't receive any STAB by using Energy Ball.

Chandelure can learn a New Charged Move by using 75,000 Stardust and 75 Litwick Candy. This won't get rid of the first Charge Move and will instead give Chandelure two Charge Moves instead of one. When Chandelure attacks with its Quick Move, both of the Charge Moves' gauges will fill up. Players that aren't satisfied with Chandelure's Quick Move will need to use a Fast TM, but unless players are using Elite TMs, the results are randomly selected out of Chandelure's Pokemon GO learnset.

A Quick Move and Charge Move that have the same typings are good for defending gyms or battling as a casual player. If players are intending to use Chandelure in PVP , they'll want to have a bit more diversity in Chandelure's moveset.

Pokemon GO is available for mobile devices.