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Unlike some of the more common types like Fire, Water, and Psychic, there really aren't too many great Fairy-type Pokemon to choose from in Pokemon GO. There are so few pure Fairy-types in the game, in fact, that many of the most viable Fairy-type attackers are actually dual-type Pokemon with Fairy as their secondary typing. Of course, that's not at all to say that they can't still get the job done.

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Those looking to build a balanced team or counter a troublesome Pokemon in a particularly tricky raid or gym battle will at some point find themselves in need of a strong Fairy-type Pokemon. Of course, they may just be looking for a strong hybrid attacker that's capable of covering multiple elements. Either way, these Pokemon are among the best Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO and would make a solid addition to any team.

Updated January 11, 2023, by Tom Bowen: As the total number of Pokemon available in Pokemon GO continues to increase, so too does the size of the pool of viable Fairy-types in the game. Granted, there are still nowhere near as many great Fairy-type Pokemon as there are for some of the series' more common types like Psychic, Fire, and Water, but that's not to say that there aren't still some solid options out there. Those looking to build a balanced and versatile team will likely be on the lookout for the best Fairy-type attacker: the prime candidates for which can be found below.

18 Whimsicott


Whimsicott is a solid pick for a Fairy-type attacker, thanks largely to its access to Charm and Moonblast. When combined, the moves offer a very respectable total damage output that should have no problems tearing through Fighting, Dark, and Dragon-types. Sadly, however, Whimsicott doesn't fare quite so well in the defense department.

Being a Grass/Fairy-type, Whimsicott is ridiculously weak to Poison-type attacks, while also being weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, and Steel. Given that a pure Fairy-type would only be weak to two of these types, many will likely opt to avoid Whimsicott, even if it does possess a few additional resistances that pure Fairy-types don't.

17 Galarian Weezing


Unfortunately, all Fairy-types are going to have trouble with Poison-type attacks. Well, all but, Galarian Weezing, that is. Being the only Poison/Fairy-type in Pokemon GO places the Pokemon in a somewhat unique position, though it's one that few players opt to utilize due to the Pokemon's inherent lack of versatility.

Despite its typings, Galarian Weezing's only quick move is tackle, while Play Rough, its only Fairy-type charge move, sports the second-worst DPS of the four available options. As such, despite being a little trickier to counter than some of the other Fairy-types in Pokemon GO, Galarian Weezing is a mediocre attacker when compared to some of the other options that are out there.

16 Aromatisse


Aromatisse really excels in the Stamina department and boasts a fairly decent Attack Stat as well. Its Defense is, unfortunately, a little lackluster, though providing it's not up against a Poison or Steel-type Pokemon, this shouldn't be too much of an issue for most players.

Like many of the other Fairy-types in Pokemon GO, Aromatisse has access to Psychic and, when it comes to damage potential, it ends up being one of its best charge moves. Those looking for an all Fairy-type build should instead choose Charm and Draining Kiss, though Moonblast is also a perfectly viable option for the Pokemon's second attack.

15 Zacian (Crowned Sword)


Zacian's excellent stats make it a great choice for a Fairy-type attacker, as too does its secondary typing of Steel. The latter not only removes the Fairy-typing's two main weaknesses but also boosts the Pokemon's resistance to Dragon-type moves while adding additional resistance to a variety of other types.

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Sadly, Zacian does lack access to a fFairy-type quick move, though Metal Claw may actually be preferred here anyway as it allows the Pokemon to counter other Fairy-types. For its charge move, players will want to teach their Zacian Play Rough, which, thanks to its STAB bonus, provides the best possible DPS.

14 Shadow Mawile


When it comes to appearance, few Pokemon are quite as well-designed as Mawile. While in its Shadow form, Mawile is also incredibly powerful, with 155 Attack and 141 Defense stats. That may not seem all that impressive when compared to some of the game's most powerful Pokemon, but it's more than enough to make Shadow Mawile one of the best Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

The Pokemon's primary Steel typing can be useful in certain situations and allows users to build their Mawile to be a more versatile member of their team. Equipping it with Fairy Wind and Play Rough is recommended for those after a pure Fairy-type build, but the former can be replaced with Fire Fang (Fire), Ice Fang (Ice), Astonish (Ghost), or Bite (Dark) to improve the Pokemon's type coverage without sacrificing too much potential damage.

13 Slurpuff


Being one of the few pure Fairy-types in Pokemon GO, Slurpuff is a solid pick for anybody looking to add some extra depth to their team. It has excellent Stamina, not to mention very respectable Attack and Defense stats. Unfortunately, however, its lackluster learn set does hold it back a little.

Slurpuff's best move set is Tackle and Play Rough, though those looking to fully utilize its Fairy-typing will likely opt to replace the former with Charm instead. Doing so will lower the Pokemon's DPS a little, but the bonus damage gained when attacking weakness should be more than enough to make up for this.

12 Wigglytuff


Wigglytuff is by no means a bad Pokemon, but its inclusion among the best Fairy-types in Pokemon GO is more the result of circumstance than actual merit. Much like the mainline series, Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO are few and far between, meaning there are far fewer viable options than there are with some of the other types in the game.

Wigglytuff's Attack stat is average at best, while its Defense is downright horrendous. Its 295 Stamina stat does make up for this somewhat, however, allowing the Pokemon to dish out some fairly respectable DPS. It's also able to learn both Play Rough and Dazzling Gleam, either of which can be paired with Charm for a solid Fairy-type move set.

11 Alolan Ninetails

Alolan Ninetails

While Alolan Ninetails' best application is as an Ice-type attacker, its secondary typing means that it can also serve as a solid Fairy-type attacker when needed. It can even work as a hybrid attacker if push comes to shove, with Charm and Weather Ball providing solid options for Fairy and Ice-type attacks respectively.

Its Attack and Stamina stats aren't all that impressive but are still more than sufficient when attacking against weakness. It's also incredibly durable, giving players a little more time to respond to counters than they'd have with some of the other Fairy-types in the game. This bodes well, as its dual-typing means that it has a few additional weaknesses, thus increasing the likelihood of it being countered.

10 Clefable


Serving as one of the very first pure Fairy-type Pokemon to be added to Pokemon GO, Clefable remains a viable option for those looking to incorporate a Fairy-type into their team. Its total damage output is decent and is backed up by an equally impressive DPS figure when equipped with Charm and Dazzling Gleam.

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Though Clefable's Attack and Defense stats are nothing special, its high stamina allows it to dish out damage a lot faster than some of its peers. Those looking to make the Pokemon a little more versatile may want to consider teaching it Pound or Charge Beam instead of Charm, although all three combinations have their uses.

9 Primarina


Another well-designed Pokemon, the Gen 7 starter evolution Primarina is a solid choice for those looking to add a strong Fairy-type Pokemon to their team. It boasts a massive 232 Attack stat and is surprisingly durable too thanks in large to its 195 Defense. It has a lot of useful resistances as well, though is still weak to Electric, Grass, and Poison-type attacks.

For best results, players will probably want to teach their Primarina Waterfall and Moonblast, but there are a few other viable options as well. An all Fairy-type build of Charm and Moonblast can be very effective, as too can Charm and Psychic. It's this kind of versatility that makes Primarina such a great option and a mainstay on many players' teams.

8 Florges


Florges is one of the best pure Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, particularly if Shadow Pokemon and Mega Evolutions are taken out of the equation. Even while they're still a part of the picture though, Florges is far from a bad option thanks to its sky-high defense and its more than respectable 212 Attack stat.

Interestingly, the Pokemon's two best move sets are made up of non-Fairy-type attacks, with Vine Whip, Psychic, and Tackle all offering more damage per second than Fairy Wind and Moon Blast. There's not too much in it though, so players are free to choose the moves that best suit their needs; whether that be a case of improving type their coverage or going down the all-Fairy-type route.

7 Galarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash is arguably one of the best-designed Pokemon from the Galar region and backs this up with some fairly impressive stats. It's a solid attacker with decent stamina and can be a more than capable Fairy-type attacker if taught the Play Rough move.

Psycho Cut allows the Pokemon to double up as a strong Psychic-type attacker, although this dual typing does make Galarian Rapidash particularly vulnerable to Mega Gengar. Against pure Fairy-types, a Mega Gengar would need to have a Poison-type move to be fully effective, but Galarian Rapidash's weakness to Ghost-type attacks all but guarantees the Gengar will come out on top regardless of its move set.

6 Sylveon


One of the more recent additions to the game, Sylveon is another pure Fairy-type with a lot of potential for those willing to put the time into unlocking it. As with a lot of the other Fairy-types in the game, it's at its best when packing Charm and Dazzling Gleam and will receive a slight boost to its damage output when battling in cloudy weather.

Like other Eeveelutions, players can guarantee themselves a Sylveon by assigning it the right nickname. In this case, it's "Kira," although this trick will only work once, meaning it's best to wait until finding an Eevee with solid EVs before evolving the Pokemon. Poison and Steel-type moves will still deal a lot of damage to Sylveon, but its single typing at least limits the elements that it's weak to.

5 Xerneas


Given Xerneas' status as a Legendary Pokemon and the fact that it is one of very few pure Fairy-types in Pokemon GO, it will likely come as a surprise to some to learn that Xerneas isn't the strongest Fairy-type in the game. That's not to say that it isn't still a very strong Pokemon though, with the gen 6 legendary capable of dishing out some impressive damage when called upon.

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Its high Attack and Stamina stats allow it to damage opponents quickly, particularly when using Moonblast. It can also be a fairly difficult Pokemon to counter without prior preparation, although a Sludge Bomb Mega Gengar shouldn't have too much trouble. Given how difficult Xerneas can be to come by, however, most players tend to look elsewhere for their Fairy-type needs.

4 Mega Altaria

Mega Altaria

Although some will look to utilize Mega Altaria's Dragon typing by having it learn Dragon Breath, most players instead opt to teach it Peck together with Dazzling Gleam. This not only offers the highest damage potential in terms of raw power but also the best DPS that the Pokemon is capable of.

As with other Fairy-type Pokemon, Altaria is weak against poison and Steel-types, while its Dragon-typing also places it at a disadvantage when up against other Fairy-types. This means that it can be easily countered by some of its peers as well as Pokemon like Dialga, Metagross, and Mega Beedrill.

3 Togekiss


Given how underwhelming it can be in the mainline games, Togekiss' performance in Pokemon GO will likely surprise quite a few players. Its Attack and Defense stats are both fairly impressive, while its stamina allows it to act a lot more quickly than most of the other viable Fairy-types in the game.

Those looking to build Togekiss as a pure Fairy-type attacker would be wise to teach it Charm and Dazzling Gleam. Conversely, anybody looking to counter a Togekiss should consider bringing a Mega Gengar or Metagross to the battle, although Mega Beedrill can also be effective.

2 Shadow Granbull


Granbull is one of the very few Fairy-types that can't learn Dazzling Gleam, with the Pokemon instead relying on Play Rough as its best Fairy-type charge move. Its total damage output is a little lacking when compared to some of the other big hitters too, but its DPS more than makes up for this, with only a small handful of Fairy-types boasting more.

The pure Fairy-type Pokemon has solid Attack and Stamina stats and its relatively low max cp makes it easy to level it up. It does have a rather glaring Achilles' heel, however, with its low defense making it far more vulnerable than most of its fellow Fairy-types. Providing it can get the job done quickly though, this shouldn't be too much of an issue.

1 Shadow Gardevoir


Shadow Gardevoir is by far the best Fairy-type in Pokemon GO, thanks not only to its huge damage potential but also its dual typing. Granted, its total damage output is a little lower than some of the game's other Fairy-types, but its DPS is second to none and gives it a comfortable lead over its rivals.

With Charm and Dazzling Gleam, Gardevoir can dish out some impressive damage, while its access to Psychic-type moves allows it to cover multiple positions in the team if needed. It's at its most deadly when the weather is windy or cloudy, further cementing its status as the most effective Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

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