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Tier 3 Battle Raids in Pokemon GO are an excellent challenge for players to see just how smart of a counter roster they can string together. Experienced players can usually solo these boss' if they put in the work ahead of time and figure out the optimal counter roster. That type of dedication is a great way to earn some item and encounter rewards from the lower difficulty Battle Raids.

Tier 3 Raid Bosses can often be solo'd in Pokemon GO, but only if players understand the boss' weaknesses and assemble a strategic counter roster. Each Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses and part of preparing for an effective Battle Raid means studying those weaknesses and forming a respectable counter roster. Trainers who are preparing to face off against a dual-type boss like Aerodactyl will have a handful of important weaknesses and resistances to take into account.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Virizion Raid Guide | Counters and Weaknesses

Trainers who have survived this Battle Raid Boss before will know that Aerodactyl is a dual type pairing that brings Rock- and Flying- to the battlefield. The most obvious weaknesses that players will want to focus on are Water-, Electric-, and Rock-types. Top tier Pokemon with one or more of those three types should be the best bet to easily defeat Aerodactyl. Although tier 3 Battle Raids aren't as challenging as Legendary and Mega showdowns, trainers may still want to take the time to spend some Stardust, Candy, and Elite TMs to get everything in order before the fight.

Aerodactyl fighting in a stadium

Aerodactyl Weaknesses

This tier 3 Battle Raid boss is a Rock- and Flying-type, which means that Aerodactyl is weak against Water-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves.

Aerodactyl Resistances (Avoid These!)

Aerodactyl is resistant against Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, Ground-, Normal-, and Poison-type attacks. Players should avoid putting Pokemon reliant on those move types in their lineup.

Best Aerodactyl Counters

  • Blastoise (Mega) - Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Xurkitree - Thunder Shock/Discharge
  • Metagross - Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
  • Zekrom - Charge Beam/Wild Charge
  • Rampardos - Smack Down/Rock Slide
  • Kyogre - Waterfall/Surf
  • Rhyperior - Ground/Rock
  • Swampert - Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Dialga - Metal Claw/Iron Head
  • Magnezone - Spark/Wild Charge
  • Terrakion - Smack Down/Rock Slide
  • Empoleon - Metal Claw/Hydro Cannon
  • Thundurus (Therian) - Volt Switch/Thunderbolt

Assembling a counter roster based on those suggestions should be all it takes to defeat Aerodactyl in tier three Battle Raids. Be sure to stick to the recommended counter types and enter the battle with enough allies around to help out and earn that one attempt victory. High level players with the best counters can technically solo this tier three raid boss, but players who want to play it safe should enter the fight with one to three friends instead to secure a successful battle.

Be sure to check back in the near future for lots more Pokemon GO strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Full Game Guide | Tips, Tricks, and Events