Pokemon GO has a variety of different in-game events that tend to take place as each season comes and goes. These events often bring handy limited-time bonuses, Raids, Field Research, and featured Pokemon with increased spawn rates.

One of the most commonly recurring events in Pokemon GO is the Spotlight Hour event, which features one or more chosen Pokemon to receive increased spawn rates over a one hour period, as well as the benefit of an event bonus that players can make the most of. For this reason, knowing the details of each Spotlight Hour event will come in handy, enabling you to prepare ahead of time.

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Abra Spotlight Hour: Bonuses & Shiny Rates, Explained

abra in pokemon go

The Abra Spotlight Hour event will be live in Pokemon GO on May 14 and run between the hours of 6 PM and 7 PM, local time. During this event, players from all around the world will be able to witness many more Abra appearing in the wild, which makes it the perfect opportunity to seek out an Abra with great stats, collect Candy, and fill more spots in your Pokedex. In addition to this, some lucky Trainers may even be able to stumble upon a shiny Abra during this event.

The in-game bonus for the Abra Spotlight Hour event is double evolution XP. This means that any Pokemon that is evolved during the one-hour event period will gain double the XP it usually would. For this reason, it's a good idea to keep aside any Pokemon who are capable of evolving, and then spam evolve them during this event to gain as much benefit out of the bonus as possible. In addition to this, you may want to reserve as much Candy as you can spare for evolution purposes, and then focus on other uses for Candy, such as powering up the CP of these Pokemon after they have successfully evolved.

Lastly, some lucky Pokemon GO players may even be able to encounter and capture a shiny Abra during the May 14 Spotlight Hour event, as this Pokemon has a shiny variant live in the game. While the Spotlight Hour event doesn't increase the base shiny rates for Abra, the increased spawn rates for this Pokemon will mean it appears much more frequently, therefore giving Trainers more opportunities to hit those lucky shiny odds. You may be able to further increase the spawn rates of Abra through the use of Lures and Incense, so it can be handy to stock up on these items before the event kicks off.

The average shiny rate for wild encounters in Pokemon GO is 1 in 500 . This was determined by the collection and examination of player data by The Silph Road during their partnership with Pokemon GO developer, Niantic.

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Pokémon GO

iOS , Android
July 6, 2016
Augmented Reality