If the Generation 10 games in Pokemon intend to introduce a new type, then a similar indie game could have the perfect answer. Temtem may not be anywhere near as famous as Pokemon, but it has managed to earn itself a reputation for being its indy equivalent. With some similar mechanics and ideas behind it, it's not hard to see why people would compare the two. There are a few marked differences though, with the biggest ones being Temtem's darker story and status as an MMO. Pokemon may be able to learn something from Temtem's design, though.

Although it is true that Scarlet and Violet made new types questionable, the most recent expansion came with Fairy-type in the Generation 6 games. The only previous occasion of the series adding new types came when the Steel and Dark types were added in Generation 2 as one of Pokemon Gold and Silver's new additions to the series. Even though the addition of new types is a highly uncommon occurrence in the series, whether a new one could be added is still a frequent theory even years after Fairy-type came out. Although a new type may not seem likely, there are some solid ideas that could be used.

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Temtem's Digital Type Would Make Perfect Sense In Pokemon

pokemon anime porygon retun

Amidst the various ideas for new types that could debut wherever Pokemon Generation 10 takes place, Temtem has one that not only feels completely original, it would fit right in with the rest of Pokemon's types. While many of Temtem's types are similar to existing Pokemon types, such as Toxic for Poison and Crystal for Rock, its Digital type is wholly original. Digital Temtems are futuristic and associated with technology, making them somewhat similar to Pokemon's Steel and Electric-types, but not a perfect comparison. It's a concrete concept that is distinct enough to find a place in Pokemon's web of type relationships.

While most robotic Pokemon end up as either Steel or Electric-types, there is still a way for Digital-type Pokemon to make sense as Pokemon keeps improving ahead of Generation 10. One approach for be for it to apply to Pokemon that have a strong connection to AI, cyberspace, or other futuristic or sci-fi concepts. Androids, computers, sentient computer viruses, and other such creations could fall under this definition of Digital-type. With the way that the Pokemon world has advanced technologically along with the real world, Digital-type Pokemon coming to prominence so far into the series would make a good amount of sense.

There are actually some pre-existing Pokemon that could be changed to digital type, similar to past Pokemon that changed types. An obvious candidate would be the computer-generated Porygon family, as Digital-type would be a much better fit for Pokemon's unfairly scandalized Porygon line than their current Normal-type. There is also Rotom, the Ghost/Electric-type who can possess various machines and appliances. Its nature and abilities alone would make it a perfect fit for the Digital-type, which could replace its Ghost typing. Even the mythical Genesect would make sense as a Pokemon that could become Digital-type due to it being a technologically upgraded fossil Pokemon.

There has not been any indicator that a new Pokemon type is on the horizon as of yet. However, the next Pokemon game can upgrade the series further, as can be seen throughout the franchise's history, and this time Pokemon could use Temtem as inspiration. Almost every generation has done something that made a major impact on the series, and that includes the previous two times that new types were added. Digital-type could be another one of these enhancements, especially if it finds a distinct niche like past new types did. Temtem may not be as big as Pokemon, but it managed to create an excellent new type.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for the Nintendo Switch.

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