
  • A creative Pokemon player creates custom Poke Balls inspired by Gen 1 starter evolutions.
  • Designs include Venusaur, Blastoise, and Shiny Charizard-themed balls, capturing their defining traits in the design.
  • The creator plans to make more custom Poke Balls for other Gen 1 Pokemon, sparking fan interest.

A creative Pokemon player is making custom Poke Balls modeled after the original creatures of Generation 1, starting with the starter trio of Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise. The classic Pokemon Red and Blue provided gamers with 151 elementally empowered monsters to collect, trade, and use in turn-based RPG battles, and it all begins with a choice between the Grass-powered Bulbasaur, fire-breathing Charmander, and Water-type Squirtle. All three of these options will evolve into stronger forms over time, and have become as synonymous with the Pokemon franchise as series mascot Pikachu.

Another easily recognizable staple of the Pokemon series is the Poke Ball, a sphere-shaped capsule that is used to capture and store wild Pokemon. They already come in several different varieties that work better on stronger Pokemon or those of a certain element, and fans have created plenty of their own custom designs over the years, some of which are even themed after certain Pokemon like the Gen 1 Ghost-type Gastly.

Pokemon Fan Designs Nintendo DS-Era 3D Model For Bulbasaur

A Pokemon fan online shares their awesome concept, which imagines Generation 1 starter Bulbasaur as a Nintendo DS-era 3D model.

A more recent example comes from Reddit user superflous-villain, who posted an image of their custom-painted Poke Ball designs that are inspired by the third-stage Gen 1 starter evolutions. These designs were printed from Instagram user pokeball_empire and include a teal-colored Venusaur ball sporting its signature back-mounted flower, a Blastoise ball complete with miniature water cannons, and a Charizard ball that has dragon-like wings on its upper half. Interestingly enough, the Charizard ball seems to be based on the Flame Pokemon’s Shiny variant, while the Venusaur and Blastoise ones take after the ordinary versions that have been present since the very first Pokemon games.

These Custom Poke Balls Are Capturing The Hearts Of Pokemon Fans

Superflous-villain says they are working on more custom Poke Balls inspired by the Gen 1 Pokemon, including one based on Haunter, the evolved form of the previously mentioned Gastly. They’re also making Shiny variants for Venusaur and Blastoise to match the Charizard one, and the regular Charizard ball that they made has already been sold - hence its absence from the collection. Other Reddit users have compared superflous-villain’s custom Poke Balls to spy cameras or the special Poke Ball variants that Mewtwo famously used to capture and clone other Pokemon in the first Pokemon movie.

Each of superflous-villain’s custom Poke Ball designs manages to capture the defining traits of the Pokemon it is themed after in an easily recognizable way, though some users have admitted that they thought the Charizard one was supposed to be Zubat before realizing it was meant to be Shiny Charizard. With 151 different species in the original Pokemon generation on top of other Shiny variants, superflous-villain has plenty of options for their next custom Poke Ball, and it will be interesting to see what this talented fan comes up with next.


Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, Pokemon spans games, television, films, manga, merchandise, music, and more.

Created by
Satoshi Tajiri