
  • Minecraft's crafting mechanics allow for impressive creations, like a recreation of the entire Generation 1 Pokedex in the game.
  • The dedication and hard work required to complete such a massive collection of builds in Minecraft is impressive.
  • Minecraft's popularity continues to soar as fans from various fandoms create unique and imaginative builds, adding to the game's replayability and content.

Players in Minecraft are known to produce some truly remarkable creations in the sandbox game, and a recently shared recreation of the entire Generation 1 Pokedex by one gamer is noteworthy. The game's phenomenal crafting mechanics make it possible for fans of almost any franchise to create incredible builds in Minecraft.

Minecraft was first released in 2011 for PC and has gone on to become not only one of the highest-selling video games of all time but one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. It should come as no surprise that Pokemon, another massive franchise, pairs incredibly well with the creativity of Minecraft players.

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Pokemon fan and Minecraft player brikit97 shared a look at their full recreation of the entire Pokedex from Generation 1 in Minecraft. Basing the designs off of the Generation 3 sprites, brikit97 made a complete roster of the first 151 Pokemon from the franchise. They started by mining a ridiculous amount of dirt - 62,500 blocks of it, to be exact - and then proceeded to build sixteen wool factories in all the necessary colors for the Pokemon sprites. This then required them to collect dozens of sheep and wait for the wool factories to produce enough colored wool for them to start crafting. With all the essential materials collected, brikit97 was able to start crafting the original starter Pokemon and their evolutions. They ran into some roadblocks, such as running out of black wool for the borders, running out of space on the platform the sprites were built on, and needing to keep going AFK to get more wool from the factories. But after 120 hours of dedicated work, the Generation 1 Pokedex was complete.

Fans of Minecraft and Pokemon alike were impressed by brikit97's accomplishment, applauding the dedication that was needed to complete such a massive collection of builds. When asked if they would continue with more Pokemon creations, brikit97 noted that they were unsure, due to the massive time sink of such a project. With more new Pokemon on the way, it would be an incredible feat for one Minecraft player to produce sprites of all the existing 1008 Pokemon.

Minecraft continues to produce some truly award-worthy creations from fans, and the game shows no signs of slowing in popularity. Crafters from countless fandoms are able to recreate their favorite characters, worlds, vehicles, and more which continuously adds to the game's replayability and content. With incredibly unique Minecraft builds being created every day, fans will continue to find new ways to expand their imagination and experience in the game.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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