The Far Cry franchise has been stuck in a bit of a rut for the last few entries, bringing exciting new characters to the table but failing to meaningfully innovate the franchise's gameplay in new ways. However, Far Cry 5's Arcade mode featured a full level editor that allowed players to create their own maps. The feature didn't return in Far Cry 6, but a new creation may make players wish that it had.

Over on Reddit, a Pokemon fan shared a recreation of Pallet Town that they constructed in Far Cry 5. Pallet Town is, of course, the home of Ash Ketchum from the mainline series as well as the starting point for Pokemon Red and Blue. The Far Cry 5 recreation adopts the looks found in the original Game Boy game, adopting the layout of the town and the style of its buildings.

RELATED: Pokemon Fan Recreates Pallet Town in 2.5D

Longtime fans of the Pokemon franchise will likely pick up on it quickly, as the town is a healthy blast of nostalgia for those that have fond memories of their first journeys through the Kanto region. More than that, though, the recreation is enough to make one's heart ache for the Arcade mode to return in future entries of Far Cry.

Far Cry 6 put a heavy emphasis on antagonist Anton Castillo, portrayed by Breaking Bad's Giancarlo Esposito, and building out a large map. The change likely came after the tepid response to Far Cry 5's nameless, cookie-cutter protagonist, who was customizable but lacked a personality. The emphasis on a narrative has largely helped Far Cry 6, but it also came at the cost of Arcade, one of the best features that Far Cry 5 brought to the table.

It is, however, nice to see Arcade used for such impressive creations even years after Far Cry 5 was released. It's not often that games maintain a presence online years after they debut, especially when that presence is dominated by a single accessory mode from a larger game. However, Far Cry 5 fans share Arcade creations relatively frequently, with creations like this being fairly common.

Missed opportunities aside, it's cool to see what players can create when they put in the work. Things like this can take a decent bit of time to complete, with this one taking about six hours according to creator u/mojoswoptops2020. However, seeing a childhood location fully realized in 3D is well worth the time spent in many cases.

Far Cry 5 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Fan Remakes Pokemon Red and Blue As 3D Games