
  • A talented Pokemon fan created a stunning painting featuring all of the Gen 2 Pokemon, paying tribute to the franchise's second generation and evoking nostalgia.
  • The Gen 2 Pokemon, which were introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver, hold a special place in the hearts of many fans, with their introduction of Dark and Steel-type creatures and breeding mechanic.
  • Reddit user PaulDrawsArt's colorful and nostalgic painting of the Gen 2 Pokemon was well-received by fans, sparking conversations about personal favorites and the lasting appeal of these creatures.

Wanting to show their love for the long-running franchise’s past, one talented Pokemon fan has created a stunning painting featuring all of the Gen 2 Pokemon. This awesome painting is a wonderful tribute to the Pokemon series’ second generation of colorful creatures and is sure to make long-time franchise fans feel a bit of nostalgia.

Making their debut in 1999’s Pokemon Gold andSilver on Nintendo’s Game Boy Color, the Gen 2 Pokemon hold a special place in the hearts of many franchise fans. In addition to adding 100 new creatures to the Pokedex, the arrival of the Gen 2 Pokemon also introduced Dark and Steel-type creatures and marked the first appearance of the series’ now-ubiquitous breeding mechanic. Despite over two decades having passed since their initial debut the second generation of Pokemon remain popular with many players, with one fan even creating Gen 2 box art designs for Pokemon ScarletandViolet.

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Looking for a unique way to pay homage to the perennially popular Pokemon, Reddit user PaulDrawsArt decided to create a colorful painting featuring all of the Gen 2 Pokemon. The painting shows the Gen 2 Pokemon filling every inch of the frame, with their color-sorted groupings giving the entire piece a bright and vibrant appearance. Standing in a place of prominence near the dead center, a fire-ringed Typhlosion immediately catches viewers’ eyes and helps to tie the whole painting together. Shared on the Pokemon subreddit with a reference to the Pokemon: The Johto Journeys theme song included in the post title, PaulDrawsArt’s colorful and nostalgic painting was an immediate hit with fans of the franchise.

The Pokemon Gen 2 fan art piece clearly brought back pleasant memories for many of the Reddit users viewing the post, leading some in the replies to reminisce about the series’ past. Several respondents expressed excitement at spying their personal favorite Gen 2 Pokemon hidden in the crowded group shot. Other replies homed in on the song snippet in the post title, with one reply stating that the Pokemon: The Johto Journeys theme song “gets me every time.” Attempting to explain the lasting appeal of the Gen 2 Pokemon, one Reddit user remarked that they are “gen 1 nostalgia with gen 3 art quality.”

While this amazing artwork may not be quite as large in scale as the massive Pokemon mural one fan spent 600 hours painting, it still makes for a heartwarming homage to the franchise’s past. And with seven subsequent generations of Pokemon still left to paint, PaulDrawsArt shouldn’t have to worry about running out of inspiration any time soon.

MORE: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Could Have Been What Gen 2 and Gen 6 Needed