
  • Pokemon fan MunchyKu creates donut-themed Fidough variations.
  • Fidough is a Gen 9 Pokemon known for its yeast breath, helpful for baking.

A Pokemon fan has come up with a dessert variation of Fidough that's gaining attention for how cute it is. The Pokemon is already popular for being pretty adorable on its own, so this clever Pokemon creation only adds to that.

While Fidough was only introduced in Gen 9 of the Pokemon games, specifically the most-recent Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it has supposedly been a major ally to humanity for some time. While most dog Pokemon might be helpful for their strength, agility, or strong sense of smell, this one is known to be helpful because of its yeast breath. In Pokemon lore, it helps people to bake by fermenting dough with yeast.

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Pokemon fan and artist MunchyKu shared their rendition of Fidough, which gives the Pokemon a donut makeover. The bun-like shapes on the sides of its head and around its neck have been fully converted into donuts with sprinkles, and the overall body of the Pokemon has become darker and more tan, akin to the underside of a fried donut. MunchyKu made a standard and shiny version of the Pokemon, with the standard being a brown chocolate-covered donut, and the other being a frosted pink donut.

Fans reacting to the artistic recreations have been quite enthusiastic about it, not only for the cute design, but because of the ideas it brings to mind. Fans have joked about the donut dog being popular for Pokemon police, given the long-standing pop culture association between cops and donuts. Another suggested that this donut Fidough could have had jelly donuts instead of cake donuts, alluding to the anime English dub that turned onigiri riceballs into "Brock's jelly donuts." Finally, in perhaps the perfect naming convention for the creature, someone suggested that this variation could be renamed to Fidoughnut.

Fanmade Pokemon With Food Inspiration

Pokemon have been used as food in the Pokemon series, but fans of the series have a tendency to make cute food-themed overhauls of the creatures, as well. In one case, a Tangela was turned into a pile of living spaghetti, for example. Numerous fans have made pastries and other desserts based on Pokemon that are perfectly edible in real life, albeit with some terrifying variations, as well. For example, Togepi was turned into cute cakes, but any eater would have to break the shell on poor Togepi's head to eat it. While MunchyKu didn't specify if people would actually eat the poor Fidoughnut in the Pokemon universe, its happy expression probably means it's safe.


Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, Pokemon spans games, television, films, manga, merchandise, music, and more.

Created by
Satoshi Tajiri