Fans of the Pokemon franchise have recently started an online discussion about which starter from what video game is considered the best by its community members. With Pokemon having nine generations of pocket creatures and a variety of different titles beyond its mainstream ones, this type of healthy debate will probably be enjoyed by many of the franchise's fans.

Given that choosing a starter Pokemon is one of the biggest decisions every player has to go through at the start of each game, it is not surprising for fans to have their set of favorites. Each starter from every Pokemon generation has the same base types of Fire, Water, and Grass, but their visuals and characteristics differ with every launched title. This gives the player base a lot of options, likely making it hard to decide which one to bring along their in-game adventures. And with other players having different preferences, this sets the fans up for interesting debates about which starter they think would be the best or cutest of all time.

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On Reddit, user CaptainFawx started a thread asking their fellow Pokemon fans which starter they think is the best or the cutest. The post included an image with a collage of all the starters in every Pokemon generation, including the starting pocket creatures in other spin-off titles like Mystery Dungeon, Colosseum, etc. With the collage showing off just how many Pokemon have been in the starting line-up across all titles, fans will likely appreciate just how much the franchise has grown, and still continues to grow.

Pokemon fans seem to be divided about their thoughts on the best or cutest starter. However, many seem to agree on the chonky version of Pikachu and Gen 3's Water-type starter Mudkip. Others mentioned include Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Totodile, Eevee, Rowlet, among others. One commenter even mentioned that they found Ukulele Pichu the cutest, simply because they were holding the instrument. Others seemed to have no specific preference, instead choosing all the pocket creatures as their favorite or best starter Pokemon. Despite the variety of answers, Pokemon fans seem to be enjoying talking with each other about their choices.

Every time a new Pokemon video game is launched, fans likely expect the discussion about the roster of starting Pokemon to be very interesting. And even though Pokemon Scarlet and Violet launched just last year, players are probably already thinking about the next generation of starters. Hopefully the next title will also spark these kinds of healthy conversations, allowing fans to connect with their fellow players more in the future.

MORE: Pokemon: Every Generation From Easiest To Hardest, Ranked