Despite being one of the newer types in the world of Pokémon, fairy-types have quickly become fan favorites and merchandising gold. Thankfully the Pokémon Company has gone back retroactively and made earlier pokémon fairy-type if it made sense... although they left Chansey as just a normal-type which is a really weird decision, or simply an oversight. Fairy-type pokémon have the advantage of leaning into the type and being adorably designed.

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Let's look at the 10 cutest fairy pokémon and rank them from cute to cutest.

10 Alcremie

Alcremie is one of the new pokémon of the Galar region set to make its debut in Pokémon Sword & Shield. When people think of cute their first thoughts often revolve around baby animals, pastel colors, clothing, and children. Food is an avenue of cuteness that is often exploited but often overlooked.

Alcremie lands in a weird spot where it looks and is based on really cute desserts, but it's a living breathing thing so the prospect of eating it is barbaric and makes the mind confused beyond belief.

9 Whimsicott

Whimsicott is the type of pokémon you'd get if you wanted to create a gerbil with an afro. It also happens to be one of the few cases where the last member of an evolutionary line happens to be the cutest. As pokémon evolve they tend to become larger, more powerful, and take on more intimidating features.

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Whimsicott goes against all of that and looks friendly, welcoming, and like a plush toy you want to cuddle with for hours. It's a plant though, so people with allergies better be careful.

8 Flabebe

Often the smallest animals tend to be the cutest simply because small things end up looking cute. Flabebe is a pokémon that exists on a flower, so, by comparison, it shouldn't come as a surprise that most people think they're cute beyond belief. They also happen to have little flower crowns and come in a variety of colors.

Flabebe has the unfair advantage of being a flower, a fairy, and super small which is like the unofficial holy trinity of pokémon cuteness and should be recognized as such.

7 Ralts

Ralts in many ways isn't what most people would consider traditionally cute, but why should that matter? Something being cute shouldn't be based on preconceived notions or societal pressures. It should be as simple as looking at something and being like "Wow, that's a cute thing."

Anytime a character, animal, or creation has a bulbous head and a tiny little body it will more often than not look, cute humans. It's why babies look the way they do, and why many other animals have evolved to also have adorable baby versions.

6 Azurill

Azurill In The Pokemon Anime

Azurill is the baby version of Marill, who was the 2nd generation's attempt at making another Pikachu. It was the rodent that was meant to be the popular desired creature of the Johto region. Like many of the other pre-evolutions, or as they're more commonly known, baby pokémon Azurill takes the design of its successor and squishes it down to its cutest parts.

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It takes the tail of the Marill and turns an accent of its design into the prominent feature of its baby form. It's manufactured cute, but cute all the same.

5 Mime Jr.

Mime Jr. In The Pokemon Anime

Imagine being the baby version of arguably the creepiest pokémon in existence. Mr. Mime is a weird bipedal humanoid creature that looks like a guy in cosplay and not a wild animal you can befriend and train. It's not the type of thing you want staring at you or lurking in the shadows.

Its pre-evolution, however, is an adorable little critter who makes clowns bearable. Mime Jr. may still scare off those with an extreme fear of clowns, but for everyone else, it almost makes up for its grown-up version. Almost.

4 Jigglypuff

When deciding which member of Jigglypuff's evolutionary line should make the cut, it came down to Igglybuff and Jigglypuff. The decision then came relatively easy when the personality of each creature was added into the mix.

Jigglypuff is known for being playful and entertainers, but since their voices cause creatures and humans to fall asleep they become disgruntled at the assumed disinterest. They will then pout, and it's hard to be cuter than something that's already cute pouting in defiance.

3 Swirlix

Swirlix is an interesting case of something being cute and adorable, but at the same time can be interpreted as creepy and discomforting. In many ways, Swirlix are the gremlins of the Pokémon universe.

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It's hard to deny their cuteness, but at the same time, you can gain an unnatural fear that a group of them might attack you when you least expect it. If you're the type of person who thinks they shouldn't be this high on the list, or on it at all, it's a completely understandable case to make for Swirlix.

2 Sylveon

There are very rarely things that are as anticipated in the world of Pokémon as a new evolution for Eevee. When Sylveon was first revealed and introduced as Eevee's fairy-type evolution trainers across the globe just about lost their mind. The Eevee evolutions for each typing do such a good job of exuding everything that type has to offer.

Sylveon is elegant and feminine, but at its core, it is cute beyond belief. Very few other pokémon can be considering the symbol of their typing, and Sylveon is exactly that.

1 Togepi

Togepi In The Pokemon Anime

Sometimes the best answer to a question is the first thing that comes to mind. In the case of the cutest fairy-type pokémon, it's hard not to have Togepi at the top of the list. Not only does its design come off as adorable and something you naturally want to protect, but the Pokémon anime made it even cuter.

Togepi became Misty's little sidekick and during her adventures with Ash, Togepi and Pikachu got into numerous situations and predicaments. You may find other pokémon adorable, but it's hard to find one cuter than Togepi.

NEXT: Pokémon: The 10 Most Powerful Gym Leaders, Ranked