The Pokémon franchise has become huge since it first started back in the 1990s. With an anime series, video games, trading cards, and all kinds of merchandise, it's no secret that Pokémon is huge. Most of the creatures in the series have a lot of lore attached to them as far as where they can be found in the video games and how they behave.

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On top of that, there are some Pokémon and characters in the Pokémon franchise that have some weird fan theories attached to them. Some of them seem totally ridiculous and we're sure are nothing more than theories, but there are also some that seem like they might actually be real.

To see ten of the creepiest and weirdest Pokémon fan theories, keep reading!

10 Is Ditto A Failed Mew Clone?

Ditto and Mew are two really unique Pokémon in the franchise. Ditto has the ability to copy any other Pokémon and can breed with any Pokémon, making it a really interesting one that many players love to keep in their parties. Because it has such interesting properties, many Pokémon fans wonder where it came from. Was it made in a lab as a clone of Mew that went wrong?

Maybe! We all know that Mewtwo is the only Mew clone that was actually a success, but that doesn't mean that Ditto couldn't have been a potential attempt at an earlier cloning experiment. It would definitely explain why Ditto has such unique abilities!

9 Is Ash's Journey Fake?

Watching Ash Ketchum travel all over the world, catching Pokémon is so much fun, right? Watching him battle against other Pokémon trainers and catch wild Pokémon makes us wish that Pokémon were real and that we could be trainers, too! But what if Ash isn't really doing all that?

A Creepypasta written by a Pokémon fan explores the idea that maybe Ash isn't actually the Pokémon trainer we know him as. It questions why Ash never seems to age, despite time passing in the anime series, and suggests that maybe Ash is in a coma and imagining it all. We sure hope not!

8 Mr. Mime's Real Role In Ash's Life

Theories about who and where Ash's dad is have been rampant around the Internet for years. Some people believe that Professor Oak is actually Ash's dad! This would explain why Professor Oak let Ash have a non-starter Pokémon after he arrived so late, right? But there's one theory about his dad that's a little... Weirder.

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According to a Reddit user, Ash's dad isn't Professor Oak or a Pokémon trainer at all! Instead, he's actually a Pokémon. That means that Mr. Mime isn't just Ash's mom's Pokémon but also her husband? It would explain their super close relationship, but this is just weird.

7 Cubone Is A Baby Kangaskhan

Considering the fact that Cubone evolves up into Marowak, this theory doesn't exactly hold up. But, it's a pretty interesting and fairly eerie one anyway.

According to one fan theory, Cubone isn't a separate species of Pokémon. Instead, it's just the baby that Kangaskhan holds in its pouch and is wearing its mother's skull as a helmet. While they definitely have similar shapes, this theory doesn't hold up all that well for a few reasons. Aside from the fact that Cubone evolves, Mega Kangaskhan shows the baby out of the pouch and it's definitely not a Cubone.

6 Gengar Is Clefable's Shadow

There are a lot of Pokémon that look pretty similar. Some of them seem like nothing more than coincidences while others seem too close to be anything but purposeful. Clefable and Gengar are two Pokémon that were introduced in the first generation of the Pokémon franchise that look super similar.

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A lot of Pokémon fans took notice of this and came up with a fan theory to explain it. According to this theory, Gengar is the evil shadow of Clefable. These two Pokémon are shaped really similarly, so it would make sense that something is going on there!

5 Is Lavender Town Syndrome Real?

Lavender Town Syndrome is a reference to an alleged disease that plagued the children living in Japan when Pokémon Red and Green was released. According to this urban legend, children that played the game and reached Lavender Town heard the theme that played in this eerie town and were driven to take their own lives until the developers changed the tone of the town's theme.

Although this story is totally terrifying, it's nothing more than an Intenet urban legend. Still, people spread it around as though it actually happened and believe that the story was based on actual events. Either way, we have to admit that the original song was pretty spooky.

4 Voltorb Is Possessed By Haunter

There are a lot of Pokémon designs that look like other objects, which is totally awesome! But there are some that have us scratching our heads. Voltorb is an Electric-type Pokémon that looks just like a Pokéball that has come to life. But how is that possible?

Well, we all know that Haunter, a Ghost-type Pokémon, can haunt inanimate objects and bring them to life... Could Voltorb be a Pokéball that Haunter has possessed? They have similar eye shapes and it would definitely be in line with Haunter's behavior, so it's possible!

3 Where Are The Adults?

There are some adults in the Pokémon franchise. In both the games and the anime series, there are definitely adults in the Pokémon world. But for the most part, it's all trainers that are children and teenagers. This is definitely not something that most Pokémon fans have thought about, but some did and came up with a fan theory about why.

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Because of the fact that most of the adults in the game are much older than the children, fans have wondered why there's a huge generational gap. One fan theory suggests that the Pokémon franchise is set after a huge war that wiped out a large portion of the adult population. This would explain why Ash doesn't have a father, why Gary Oak was raised by his grandfather, and where so many of the adults have gone.

2 Items From Past Trainers

Anyone who has played any of the Pokémon games will know that there are always items laying around on the ground in the game. As you're exploring the world, you'll find potions and Pokéballs and all kinds of other items just laying on the ground. But who left them there?

According to one really dark Pokémon fan theory, these items weren't placed there on purpose. Instead, they're the items that were left behind by fellow Pokémon trainers that lost their lives while roaming around. This makes picking those items up a little creepier!

1 The Deal With MissingNo.

MissingNo. is a massive glitch in the Pokémon games. MissingNo. is typically referred to as a "bird"-type Pokémon, something that doesn't actually exist in the Pokémon franchise. This is because MissingNo. isn't a real Pokémon, it's just a mistake in the coding of the Pokémon Red and Blue games.

If a player explores the right part of one world in the game, they'll occasionally encounter this glitch among the many wild Pokémon that appear in that part of the world. The only place where this glitch can be discovered is on Cinnabar Island, the same place where the lab that created Mewtwo is located. According to a fan theory about MissingNo., it's not a glitch at all but was a failed experiment in which scientists were trying to create a Pokémon. Spooky, right?

NEXT: The 10 Most Ferocious Dragon-Type Pokémon, Ranked