
  • Pokemon Concierge's unique and risk-taking approach as a stop-motion animated show sets it apart from traditional anime.
  • The show's beautiful art style and absence of Pokemon battles make it a strong candidate for a video game adaptation, allowing for experimentation and exploration within the franchise.
  • Pokemon Concierge's theme of escapism and its focus on personal growth and life lessons through interactions with Pokemon could make it a game that appeals to multiple generations, embracing both lightheartedness and philosophical depth.

Pokemon Concierge debuted on Netflix around a week ago, and its future is already being speculated. As a stop-motion animated show, it’s a massive step away from traditional anime and takes a lot of risks. There are no iconic Pokemon Battles, and yet it maintains an overwhelmingly positive perspective throughout the four episodes. Still, its ability to appeal to both kids and adults is comparable to the games on which the show is based.

Speaking of which, a video game adaptation for Pokemon Concierge could work incredibly well. Game Freak is often criticized for refusing to take risks when it comes to creating new games, and the success of Pokemon Legends: Arceus proved that it can do so.

Why is Everyone So Excited About Pokemon Concierge?

After over thirty years of Pokemon on our screens, what is it about Pokemon Concierge that has fans so excited?

Pokemon’s Past Adaptations

Detective Pikachu screenshot

In March 2018, Nintendo released Detective Pikachu on the 3DS. The extremely unorthodox premise of a talking Pikachu who also happens to be a detective was a huge success, as the game drew comparisons to Ace Attorney with its captivating story and rich environments.

It performed so well that a movie, titled Detective Pikachu, was released thereafter. While Pokemon Concierge does not have its own video game counterpart, at least for the time being, many aspects of the TV show would make it perfect for a Nintendo Switch adaptation.

Why Pokemon Concierge Would Work So Well As A Video Game

For those who have watched Pokemon Concierge, the first thing that immediately stands out is the beautiful art style. No battling takes place at the Pokemon Resort, but this only makes the case for a video game adaptation stronger, as the franchise always benefits from experimentation. There are still staples from the series present in the show, such as Pokemon Evolution.

How The Modern State Of Video Games Aligns With The Concept Of Pokemon Concierge

Pokemon Concierge 1

The main theme of Pokemon Concierge is escapism. The characters of the show are constantly stressing to the main character, Haru, to dismiss her overworking mentality for some time and simply enjoy her surroundings. With her partner Psyduck, she finds herself helping other Pokemon and people around the resort with seemingly bizarre tasks. In one episode, she finds herself retrieving a floatie for a Magikarp that is unable to swim. In another episode, she helps an overly timid Pikachu find its voice and gain some confidence, and such lighthearted energy could be perfect for those who want an escape in a cozy Pokemon title.

Furthermore, with the digital state of video games, a Pokemon Concierge adaptation would work well as a game that receives weekly updates, such as tasks for Haru and Psyduck to complete in the Pokemon Resort. Perhaps they can help a Tyrogue train to specifically evolve into a Hitmontop, or prevent a Voltorb from constantly Self-Destructing; the possibilities could be endless.

Pokemon Concierge’s Appeal To Multiple Generations

On the surface level, Pokemon Concierge feels and looks like a kid's show. While that is certainly true, it’s quite philosophical in ways that may pleasantly surprise the average adult. At the end of the day, it’s about a woman who is trying to find herself as a result of sudden changes in her life.

What she ends up finding in her time working at the resort is that there is a lot to learn from the Pokemon that surround her. The Magikarp that lost its floatie that it desperately needed to stay above the surface ended up evolving into a Gyarados. Here, there’s a lesson from the Fish Pokemon that sometimes it’s necessary to step out of one's comfort zone to grow. These themes would make it perfect for a video game that would appeal to multiple generations.