
  • Professor Oak may have fought in the Pokemon war as a science advisor or strategist.
  • It is speculated that Professor Oak may be the father of either Ash or Red, based on their proximity to his home.
  • There is a theory that Professor Oak may have had a hand in Team Rocket's creation of Mewtwo.

Every Pokemon fan knows who Professor Oak is. As a Professor in the Kanto region, he is one of the first characters that players will interact with in any of the Generation One games and remakes. He also has a big role to play in the Pokemon anime and has appeared in several of the spin-off games.

Pokemon: 10 Most Memorable Professor Oak Quotes, Ranked

Professor Oak may seem like a reputable, knowledgable sort, but, while he's said some encouraging things, he's also got a ton of strange quotes.

Despite Professor Oak's many appearances in the Pokemon franchise, not much is known about him. Fans are aware that he is the one to give players their first Pokemon and Pokedex, but that's it. As such, several theories have emerged about Professor Oak over the years, and many are worth discussing.

6 He Fought In The Pokemon War

This Theory Makes Sense If Lt. Surge Is Right

Pokemon War

The idea of a Pokemon war has been in fans' minds ever since the Generation One games. This theory largely comes from the fact that the third gym leader in Kanto, Lt. Surge, says to the player,' I tell ya Kid, electric Pokemon saved me during the war'. The fact that this man has seen war at some point is also backed up by the fact that he is a lieutenant, and dresses in army fatigues.

Now, players do not know when this 'war' took place, but it must have been fairly close to the start of the first games, as there is a lack of adult men in the Kanto region. As such, Professor Oak would have been aware of such a conflict and may have even fought in the war. He may not have been using Pokemon on the frontlines, but his expertise would have made him a prime candidate to work as a science advisor or strategist.

5 Professor Oak Is Ash or Red's Dad

Another Theory Based On Little Evidence

Professor Oak and Deliah Ketchum

Both the protagonist of the first Pokemon games, Red, and the protagonist of the anime, Ash, grew up in Pallet Town, and both of their fathers are not present when first introduced to fans. Pallet Town is only a small hamlet with a few male parental figures. Even the two rivals from this town, Blue and Gary, are the grandchildren of Professor Oak. As such, many fans speculate that Professor Oak must be the father of either Red or Ash.

Best Pokemon Anime Seasons, Ranked

The Pokemon anime has been around for a long time. As such, it's worth considering which seasons were the best of the bunch.

This theory would explain why the Professor is so supportive of both the protagonist's Pokemon careers. However, there is no other reason to suggest these characters are related to the Professor other than his proximity to their houses. Therefore, this theory is only conjecture.

4 Professor Oak Is A Criminal Mastermind

This Theory Suggests That Oak Has A Hand In Team Rocket

Team Rocket

During the first Pokemon generation, both the anime and video games explore the fact that Team Rocket cloned Mew to create the first Legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo. In the anime, this story even served as the plot for the first Pokemon movie. In both iterations of Mewtwo's creation, it is shown or mentioned how Mr. Fuji was instrumental in helping Team Rocket bring Mewtwo to life.

Mr. Fuji and Professor Oak are both big names in the science world. Therefore, it would make sense for Team Rocket to approach Oak before attempting to recruit the kind and caring Mr. Fuji to their cause. Even if Oak refused, this means that the Professor was at least aware of Team Rocket and their goals before sending out trainers into the region.

3 Professor Oak Owned Pikachu First

This Theory Explains Why Pikachu Is So Powerful In The Anime

Professor Oak, Ash. and Pikachu

This theory does not count toward the video games, as players see Professor Oak catch the Pikachu that Red uses as his starter at level five before the story begins. However, Ash's Pikachu is a lot more powerful in the anime than a level-five Pikachu should be. In the first episode alone, he takes out an entire flock of Spearow, before going toe-to -toe with some of the most powerful legendary Pokemon in the franchise.

Pokemon Anime Fan Points Out Bizarre Time Paradox With Ash, Professor Oak, and Pikachu

With the Pokemon anime coming to an end soon, one fan points out a confusing time loop created by one of the show's time-traveling movies.

This power level suggests that Pikachu had a trainer before Ash, and has plenty of battle experience. Since Professor Oak gives Ash the Pikachu, it seems to make the most sense that it belonged to the Professor on his journey as a trainer. This theory would also explain why Pikachu wasn't happy leaving Professor Oak behind and traveling with Ash.

2 Professor Oak Gave Ash Pikachu On Purpose

Ash Would Have Been Given Pikachu Even If He Didn't Oversleep

Ash and Pikachu

Everyone who is familiar with the Pokemon anime is aware of why Ash was given a Pikachu as his first starter Pokemon. The ten-year-old overslept, and so missed his chance to pick either a Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur. However, there is a theory that suggests that Ash would have been given his Pikachu even if he had shown up on time.

Together, Ash and Pikachu have worked to save the Pokemon world from all kinds of threats. They stopped Mewtwo and his plan to liberate all Pokemon in the first movie, and they even saved the Tree of Beginnings in Lucario and the Legend of Mew. As such, it seems that these two needed to be together to prevent these catastrophes. Plus, Professor Oak is capable of foreseeing this necessity, as he has been established as a time traveler who met Ash and Pikachu in the movie, Pokemon: 4ever.

1 Professor Oak Was Kanto Champion

Professor Oak Only Works In The Lab Because He Is Retired

Professor Oak and Kanto Starters

There is little information in the Pokemon games to explain how an individual becomes the Professor of a region, charged with giving new trainers their first Pokemon. Most fans have always assumed it is achieved by becoming a successful scientist. However, there are theories that Professor Oak was once the champion of the Kanto region. Perhaps all retired champions got to become the next Professor in the region.

This theory is mainly based on the fact that there were original plans for the first games to end with a battle with Professor Oak. In fact, this battle can still be found in the original games by exploiting a glitch. It would also explain why Oak wants players to find information on all the Pokemon in the region.

MORE: Pokemon Fan Makes Incredible 3D Animation of Professor Oak's Lab