Prior to Pokemon the Series: Diamond & Pearl, Ash Ketchum had spent his journeys with two other female companions: the tomboyish Misty and the compassionate May. Ash would find a new level of connection with his next companion, Dawn. Together, the two form one of the strongest bonds between characters in the Pokemon anime.

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From the get-go, Dawn is one of the most confident and determined companions Ash has ever traveled with. She sets her sights on becoming a Pokemon Coordinator, but along the way makes great strides in battling as well. These episodes are the best showcases of Dawn's strength as a trainer, as well as her friendship with Ash.

10 Yes In Dee Dee, It's Dawn!

Dawn sitting in front of Mamoswine with her hair poofy from electricity

Many episode arcs of Pokemon the Series: Diamond & Pearl follow Dawn as she participates in high-stakes Pokemon Contests. In this episode, she enters the local contest of Daybreak Town, though this time it proves to be more personal for Dawn. Upon arriving, Ash and Brock are quick to learn some secrets about Dawn.

Dawn reveals to Ash and Brock why her childhood friends, Kenny and Leona, call her "Dee Dee." It stems from a traumatic experience involving electrocution by Plusle and Minun, who she now is afraid of. Despite this moment of vulnerability with her friends, Dawn manages to show off her battling skills in the Contest's first round.

9 Mounting A Coordinator Assault!

Ending card showing Dawn about to battle Ash, Jessie, and Zoey in her first Contest

Unlike other companions, Ash is fully supportive of Dawn's goals to enter Pokemon Contests across the Sinnoh region. In Mounting A Coordinator Assault, however, Ash accompanies Dawn as she enters her first Pokemon Contest. Not only that, but Ash gets to support Dawn during a big moment for her: gaining her first rival!

Upon arriving at the Jubilife City Pokemon Contest, Dawn meets Zoey, a Trainer with a Glameow who already has her first Contest Ribbon. This episode marks the beginning of Dawn and Zoey's rivalry, which eventually lasts throughout the entire series. Ultimately, Dawn and Ash perform well enough here to advance into the competition.

8 Dawn Of A Royal Day!

Dawn standing next to her doppelganger, Princess Salvia

Of course, not all of Dawn's adventures are intense Pokemon Contests. In one episode, Dawn, Ash, and Brock arrive in Arrowroot Town, where Dawn impulsively decides to forego entering the local Pokemon Contest. However, after meeting Princess Salvia, her doppelganger, Dawn comes up with a better idea.

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In order to show Salvia what it's like to enter a Pokemon Contest, she and Dawn swap places. Salvia manages to perform well in the Contest, even defeating Jessie from Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Dawn experiences the life of a princess and learns it's not all that she hoped. Overall, this serves as a fun episode to explore Dawn's character.

7 The Gates Of Warp!

Dawn sitting with herself from an alternate universe, as well as Grookey

Thankfully, the end of Pokemon the Series: Diamond & Pearl is not the last time fans get to see Dawn in the anime. Recently, Dawn reappeared in Pokemon Journeys: The Series, the most recent run of the anime. In this episode, Dawn calls upon Ash and Goh's help when her Piplup goes missing.

After Ash and Goh arrive to investigate, they discover this is the result of a clash between Dialga and Palkia, resulting in alternate universes coming together. In an alternate universe, Dawn meets a different version of herself who has placed second in a Sinnoh League tournament. While it's great to see Dawn again, the multiverse stuff can get confusing out-of-context.

6 Hungry For The Good Life!

Dawn and Brock feeding Swinub while an angry Piplup watches

Some of Ash's companions end up taking the backseat to Ash's adventures, although Dawn is the exception. This episode mainly follows her as she, Ash, and Brock arrive at a Pokemon Mansion while seeking shelter from a storm. There, Dawn encounters a wild Swinub who becomes enamored with the Poffins she cooks.

However, her bonding with Swinub is put to the test as Team Rocket arrives to capture everybody's Pokemon, as well as all the food. With Swinub, Dawn tracks down Team Rocket's ship and frees the Pokemon. After successfully defeating the evil trio, Dawn captures Swinub and adds it to her team.

5 Trials And Adulations!

Dawn, Piplup, Ambipom, Buneary, and Pachirisu riding on Mamoswine in a forest

In enough time, Dawn's training of Swinub causes it to evolve into a Piloswine, then finally Mamoswine. However, she faces a similar crisis to Ash and his Charizard when her Swinub is fully evolved, as Mamoswine refuses to obey her. This threatens Dawn's potential to win a future Pokemon Contest in Chocovine Town.

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However, after an attack from a wild Aggron leaves Mamoswine injured, Dawn comes to the rescue by healing it and regains her Pokemon's trust. This comradery helps as Team Rocket arrives once again to challenge the Aggron. Fortunately, Mamoswine is there to save the day, scaring off both Team Rocket and the Aggron.

4 Coming Full-Festival Circle!

Jessie angrily yelling in Dawn's face after losing

Dawn's performance in Pokemon Contests only improves as the series goes on. In this episode, she's competing in the Pokemon Contest Grand Festival, in the final four alongside Zoey, Jessie, and Nando. In these semifinal rounds, she's up against Jessie, who enters Pokemon Contests as "Jessilina."

Thanks to Dawn's growth as a Coordinator throughout the series, this episode serves as a pre-climax to the finale of the Grand Festival. She manages to defeat Jessie and advances to the Finals against Zoey, her first rival. Unfortunately, Zoey manages to defeat Dawn in the next episode, leaving this episode to be Dawn's best victory.

3 Crossing The Battle Line!

Dawn facing off against Maylene in a Pokemon battle

While Dawn's sights are mainly set on becoming a Pokemon Coordinator, that doesn't mean she can't ever fancy a proper Pokemon battle! This episode finds her determined enough to challenge Maylene, the Veilstone City Gym Leader. As Ash trains her, Team Rocket eyes Maylene's Pokemon to steal.

Since this episode follows a series of devastating Pokemon Contest losses for Dawn, this battle against Maylene has a lot riding on it. Unfortunately, it ends up being another loss for Dawn, but it's not in vain. Her performance in the battle is enough to impress Ash, restoring her lost confidence.

2 Piplup, Pansage, And A Meeting Of The Times!

Dawn and her Pokemon (Pachirisu, Togekiss, Buneary) sitting with Ash and Iris's Pokemon (Pikachu, Pignite, Excadrill, Axew, Amolga, Crustle)

Pokemon the Series: Black & White featured a multi-episode arc of Dawn reuniting with Ash during his travels in Unova. Staying at Sinnoh Champion Cynthia's house, Dawn gets to be present while Ash introduces them to Meloetta, a mysterious Mythical Pokemon. Meloetta's presence is enough to distract Piplup and Ash's Oshawott.

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Ash's new friends, Iris and Cilan, are determined to battle Dawn. Cilan is the first to challenge her, sending Pansage against Piplup. However, Meloetta causes continuous distractions that force them to call the battle off. This episode is a fun, easy-going re-introduction of fans to Dawn, and it's a well-deserved reunion for her and Ash!

1 Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Dawn meeting Piplup in Professor Rowan's lab

Dawn's first-ever appearance in the Pokemon anime is probably the best showcase of her potential as both a Trainer and as a character. Many of the story beats in "Following A Maiden's Voyage" parallel the beginning of Ash's journey. This is to set up Dawn as a truly significant companion for Ash, and worthy of viewers' attention!

From the start, Dawn knows she wants to become a Pokemon Coordinator like her mother, leading her to eventually choose Piplup as her starter Pokemon. She's even lucky enough to spot a Mesprit flying over Lake Verity. For Dawn fans, this episode is a perfect solo adventure that preludes Ash's arrival in the Sinnoh region.

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