There are currently just over 900 Pokemon in existence and with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet on the way in 2022 that list will likely shoot past the 1,000 mark. With that many unique creatures and designs, there are bound to be shared connections between Pokemon and the world around them.

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One such connection is that with Pokemon and the moon. Ever since Clefairy appeared in the Kanto region, there have been more than a handful of Pokemon that have a deep-seated connection to the moon and the light and energy it produces on a nightly basis. Lunar phases may affect the tides, but they also affect the power and behavior of Pokemon as well.

9 Munna

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Munna Fairy

Munna's flora pattern and pink coloring make it one of the most visually adorable Pokemon in existence, which is at odds with it being known as the Dream Eater Pokemon. A Moon Stone allows it to evolve into Musharna, a final form that's also a pure Psychic-type.

The mist it excretes from its body are indicators of what type of dream it has just consumed. Pink mist is associated with pleasant dreams, whereas darker hues are likely unpleasant or nightmarish ones.

8 Nidorino/Nidorina

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Nidorina Nidorino battle

Despite Nidoking and Nidoqueen being some of the more beloved niche Kanto region Pokemon most people forget that the two poisonous rodents evolve into their final forms using a Moon Stone. Both Nidorina and Nidorino require it to meet their full potential.

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It's unclear why it has this connection with the stone, but speculation believes that the radiation from the Moon Stone forced an evolution in the Pokemon, and over the years it developed a natural connection to it. It is said that Nidorino and Nidorina both use their horn to shatter large rocks in hopes of finding a Moon Stone hidden deep within.

7 Jigglypuff

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Jigglypuff singing

Jigglypuff's partnership with the moon mostly starts and stops at the fact that it needs a Moon Stone in order to evolve into Wigglytuff, but there are also some underlying reasons why it likely has an attached to the nighttime spacial body.

Jigglypuff's signature move is putting living things to sleep and with sleep being connected to the night and the moon coming out at that time, a line is easy to connect. Another obvious similarity is that the Normal/Fairy dual-type is almost perfectly symmetrical and resembles the shape of a full moon.

6 Umbreon

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Umbreon leaping

Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon, is one of Eevee's various evolutionary forms, with it being the Dark-type representation among the group. Trainers must have a strong friendship with their Eevee and level it up specifically at night in order for it to evolve into an Umbreon.

Looking at the Pokedex entries it states that the rings on Umbreon's body glow when there is a full moon present and that it generally is most active at night. They also state that it's the energy waves emitted from the moon, and not its light, that causes the genetic evolution that turns an Eevee into an Umbreon.

5 Ursaluna

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Ursaluna Legends Arceus

Ursaluna is a recently introduced evolution to Teddiursa and Ursaring, first appearing in 2022's Pokemon Legends: Arceus. In order to evolve an Ursaring into an Ursaluna, it must be holding an item called a Peat Block under the light of a full moon.

Its design represents its connection to the moon as it sports a full moon covered by clouds on the top of its giant bear head. Outside of the visual and evolutionary connections, nothing is directly stated in its Pokedex entry about its connection to the moon as of right now.

4 Lunatone

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Lunatone warehouse

Lunatone's relationship to the moon is quite apparent considering it very directly resembles a moon that happens to have eyes and a beak of some sort. During a full moon, it is imbued with energy and will float in the air as it moves around.

This means that it likely shares a biological connection to lunar phases and the moon has a direct effect on how powerful Lunatone is and what levels of energy it can output at any given time. The reason it is called the Meteorite Pokemon is that it was first discovered at the site of a meteor strike, likely meaning that Lunatone is an alien species.

3 Cresselia

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Cresselia movie

The Lunar Pokemon Cresselia is a pure Psychic-type legendary that was introduced in the fourth generation of games. It is said that Cresselia's body is meant to mimic the shape of a crescent moon, and its body will change shape based on what phase the moon is in.

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A quarter moon causes its tail to grow and extend. As it soars across the night sky it will leave trails of light behind, painting the stars in a beautiful and elegant manner that's almost ethereal in nature. Holding a feather of Cresselia's while going to sleep is said to result in welcoming and enjoyable dreams.

2 Lunala

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Lunala flying

Known as the emissary of the moon, Lunala is the legendary Pokemon from Pokemon Moon who is simply referred to as the Moone Pokemon. By absorbing surrounding light it itself becomes a beacon similar to that of the moon and upon casting its move called Moongeist Beam it transforms into an alternate form called its 'Full Moon phase'.

Ancient Pokemon legends state that it was the beast that called at the moon suggesting that the relationship between it and the moon is one of yearning and obsession.

1 Clefairy

Pokemon Moon Relationship Anime Clefairy smiling

When it comes to the world of Pokemon it's hard to find a creature more associated with the moon than the Kanto region Fairy-type known as Clefairy. Throughout the series, it has had numerous Pokedex entries explaining its attachment to the moon, and in the anime, it's been suggested that Clefairy's species is from the moon and are aliens.

It is said that moonlight is absorbed in their wings and allows them to float for short periods of time. Those looking to catch a Clefairy are told that they most often appear in the light of a full moon, further pushing the idea that they are intrinsically tied to the space body.

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