Throughout the many years and seemingly endless seasons of traveling throughout the world of Pokemon, Ash Ketchum and his trusty team of Poke pals have met multiple new friends and trusted companions. From the very start of his journey to become a Pokemon master, Ash has always been accompanied by one or more friends who help him along in his journey from town to town.

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Each companion has their own individual personalities, quirks, skills, and character arcs that make them truly fun and exciting to watch. If you have ever wondered which Pokemon travel companion matches you based on your Zodiac, then this should help you figure that out.

13 Aries - Iris

Iris and Axew Pokemon

Iris is a bit of a wild girl, she's not afraid of most things and will leap into potentially dangerous situations without a second thought. She has big dreams to master training Dragon-type Pokemon and isn't afraid of letting the world know it, just like an Aries.

Iris is fun-loving, excitable, determined, optimistic, and courageous. She loves and fully supports all of her friends and her Pokemon. Like an Aries, Iris can instantly light up a room when they enter it.

12 Taurus - Kiawe

Kiawe Grimacing Outdoors Pokemon

The very stern, intuitive, brave, and stubborn Kiawe shares many typical character traits with a Taurus. Taurus' are often depicted as being a bit more detached from social relationships and have a harder time breaking out of their shell.

Kiawe is very keen on protecting his traditions and family and is wary of outsiders and their differences. He is very competitive and confident, like a Taurus, which brings him great success and happiness. Though both can be a bit tense at times, they are dependable people with incredible skill and strength.

11 Gemini - Max

Max and May with Squirtle

Max is introduced in the show as a bit of a know-it-all, having way more book smarts than his older companions. However, as time passes, he learns to develop his knowledge, open his mind, and learn from the people he meets during his journey.

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Max embodies a Gemini with how smart and capable he is, along with being outgoing, adaptive, and a bit impulsive. He loves learning new things and it doesn't take too much to get him riled up, just like a Gemini.

10 Cancer - Tracey

Tracey sketches next to Ash and Misty Pokemon

During his time traveling with Ash, Tracey shows how soft and gentle of a person he is. He doesn't like to say no to others and always wants to keep people happy.

He is a very creative person, just like a lot of Cancers, and he enjoys drawing the things he loves in his sketchbook. Tracey was a very valuable person to travel with, being very caring, loving, honest, dependable, and sometimes goofy.

9 Leo - Misty

Misty Waving in Pokemon Sun and Moon

Leos can be very upbeat, passionate, extroverted, and even a bit feisty and easy to rile up. From Misty's very first appearance, it was clear that she was a hothead, but also funny, bright, and a motivating key character.

These traits align her perfectly with Leos. They both love to explore new things, provide comfort to their loved ones, and are always looking to have a good time. Misty has big dreams and wasn't going to let anything get in her way of achieving them.

8 Virgo - Cilan

Cilan in Bowtie Making Announcement Pokemon

Cilan is the ultimate Virgo, being very protective over his friends and always wanting to take care of them. He is the chef and navigator during his time with the group, making sure everyone is well-fed and safe.

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Cilan is smart, practical, sympathetic, and caring. These are all traits that Virgos tend to have. He is always trying to be optimistic and he is passionate about his dreams. Virgos and Cilan love being orderly, spending time in nature, and avoiding trouble.

7 Libra - Lillie

6 Lillie Hugging her Vulpix Snowy Libras value growth, learning, kindness, and fairness in everything they do. Lillie began her journey as someone who was terrified to touch Pokmon after a bad experience in her past. She eventually befriends a Vulpix she nicknames Snowy, which leads to her overcoming her phobia.She spends her time in the show facing her fear to reclaim the peace and balance in her life once again. She is giving, caring, passionate, and very intelligent. Lillie embodies a Libra with how fair, clever, idealistic, and fun-loving she is.

5 Scorpio - May

May and Max Caring For Pokemon

Scorpios are very brave, determined, ambitious, and loyal beyond belief, just like this Pokemon Coordinator. May shares Scorpio's personality type with how imaginative, intelligent, and emotional she is.

A popular trait in Scorpios is how assertive, cunning, and angry they can get. Viewers definetly see some of these traits in May throughout her time traveling with Ash. She openly fights with her little brother, erupts in flames when someone upsets her, and isn't shy to announce what is bothering her.

4 Sagittarius - Brock

Brock Holding Frying Pan Meme Pokemon

The ultimate dad character, Brock, is a Sagittarius through and through. He is honest, optimistic, caregiving, hilarious, and very open-hearted.

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Brock is a born leader who spent most of his life raising his younger siblings, boosting his paternal and mentoring skills. Both Brock and Sagittarius' love to explore the world, spending time outdoors, and learning new things. They both value freedom and the ability to make one's own choices about their future.

3 Capricorn - Goh

Pokemon Goh and Ash Hugging with Pikachu

This ambitious, young Pokémon trainer is very hardheaded about his dream to catch Mew and every other Pokemon, and works hard to achieve his goals.

He is a great and dependable friend, but can sometimes push people away with his overconfidence, similar to traits seen in Capricorns. Both Goh and the Capricorns come off as being very practical, ambitious, success-driven, a bit pessimistic, and relentless on their journey to achieve their goals.

2 Aquarius - Dawn

Pokemon Dawn Holding Flower Petals

Aquarius' are known to be one of the most creative Zodiac signs, having very out-of-the-box ideas and disliking "going with the flow." They are independent and strong on their own, yet very caring towards others and tend to have very easy-going personalities.

This can be seen in Dawn with how often she chants "No need to worry!" when she does something questionable or dangerous. She loves to create, enjoys fashion, learns from her mistakes, and is very quick to protect others.

1 Pisces - Serena

Pokemon Serena holding her hat

Serena shows time and time again that she isn't afraid to let out her emotions and tell others how she feels. Both Serena and Pisces are sensitive, a bit naive, and are very intuitive and creative.

Serena has a very tight bond with her Pokémon and her friends, and she isn't shy to boast about it. She has strong passion for Pokemon and loves being creative when it comes to clothes and things she makes.

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