Pokemon is one of the most beloved video game series to ever release. The franchise took the world by storm after the release of its first generation in 1996, which resulted in spin-offs, a card game, an anime, and more. Pokemon is adored by fans of all ages and will continue to be so when Scarlet and Violet release this November.

One way that fans have shown their love for the RPG series is through art. Pokemon art is abundant, with a lot of talented artists creating amazing pieces dedicated to the games. The works that gamers have made come in many shapes and forms, leading to unexpected treasures for those who enjoy the franchise.

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An artist known as Turned Ninja created an interesting piece featuring Pikachu. The artwork shows the silhouette of the Electric-Type mouse that is filled in with some of the original 151 pocket monsters from Pokemon Red and Blue. The clip that Turned Ninja posted shows off the drawing while the opening song from the original anime plays in the background. According to the artist, the piece took almost a month to complete. Prints of the artwork are available at Turned Ninja's website, where they also sell artwork from other franchises and offer commissions.

Turned Ninja's artwork has gained a lot of love on Reddit. Many have expressed their enjoyment of the piece, with one mentioning it looks like something official that Nintendo would make for a special event. When asked if they have done this style of work with any other Pokemon, the artist answered no, though they did state that they have plans to do others. There are also a number of users who jokingly stated that the drawing looks as if Pikachu is covered in some sort of illness, with a couple saying that it is a new strain of Pokerus.

Turned Ninja is not the only one who has created a unique piece of Pokemon artwork. An artist going by the name siinastah shared a painting they did combining Van Gogh's Starry Night with the Pokemon Umbreon. The work features a Shiny Umbreon in the foreground with its mouth agape while the swirls of Starry Night sit in the background. The use of Umbreon's Shiny form worked perfectly, as it fits the color scheme of Van Gogh's painting incredibly well. It is an amazing mashup between the RPG series and the classic work, creating something that is beautiful and can be enjoyed by fans of both Pokemon and Van Gogh.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will release on November 18 for the Nintendo Switch.

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