Over the years, the Pokemon franchise has presented gamers with around 900 cute and creepy monster designs, but the original 150 found in the Gen 1 games are often considered some of the most memorable. Many of these classic Pokemon are still relevant to the franchise today, both in competitive battles and in expanded universe materials like the anime, movies, and various manga series. Now, two Pokemon fans are showing their love for Gen 1 Pokemon by 3D printing huge Gyarados and Onix figures.

This isn't the first time Pokemon fans have 3D-printed Pokemon figures, but it may be one of the most impressive in terms of sheer scale. Although individual Pokemon can vary in size and weight, the default sizes for Onix and Gyarados put them on the list of the largest Pokemon ever.

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Redditor TBOPFalconWAR started things off by sharing a short video showcasing a 3D-printed Onix figure made of individual rocky segments. Much like the Pokemon in question, the figure can bend and flex, indicating the presence of some kind of elastic holding the segments together. This Onix figure is reportedly about three feet and two inches long--not anywhere close to the size of the actual Pokemon, which can reach 28 feet and eight inches long, but still an impressive achievement.

Soon after TBOPFalconWAR shared their creation, another Redditor, Meet_your_Maker_LL, took to the stage. Meet_your_Maker_LL had also created a massive 3D-printed Pokemon figure, this one depicting the popular aquatic Pokemon Gyarados. This figure is also made of distinct segments shaped like overlapping lumps of muscle and scale. The result isn't quite as game-accurate as the Onix figure, but it's still clearly recognizable and reportedly comes in at four feet and four inches long--over a foot longer than TBOPFalconWAR's Onix.

It may interest gamers to see that the Gyarados figure is larger than the Onix figure. While neither Pokemon figure is life-size, Onix is generally depicted as significantly larger than Gyarados, which generally comes in at 21 feet and four inches long according to the Pokedex.

Another difference between the two figures is that the Onix figure features textured stone and a painted mouth and eyes, while the Gyarados figure appears to be made of unpainted blue plastic. However, it should be noted that Gyarados features more colors and intricate design elements than the relatively simple Onix. It's possible that Meet_your_Maker_LL intends to finish painting details on their Pokemon figure in the future.

MORE: New Pokemon Snap: Where to Find Gyarados