As any Pokemon fan may already know, the Pokemon franchise plans on celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2021 with special announcements, celebrations, and surprises. It was only a matter of time before the anniversary celebration was announced, but earlier today it was made official.

The celebration statement comes courtesy of the Pokemon Twitter account. According to its tweet, the celebration will start next year, and fans should stay tuned for additional details. The original announcement was made during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade when a troupe of Pikachu performed a dance to the original Pokemon theme song, unveiling the logo for the 25th anniversary.

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It's not too surprising for Pokemon to make some kind of an announcement regarding its anniversary celebration. After all, the Pokemon franchise celebrated its 24th anniversary this year, so it was to be expected that it would do the same thing next year. Still, Pokemon fans around the world are almost certain to tune in to whatever The Pokemon Company will announce on the day of the anniversary, since it is bound to be a big deal.

As far as what is going to be announced, there have been many rumors circulating the Internet as of late. For instance, there have been rumors about Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes in development. If the rumors are to be believed, there is a good chance that The Pokemon Company will announce these remakes on the 25th anniversary. However, it may end up being a total surprise, such as another duo of Pokemon remakes getting announced other than Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Another possible rumor that may end up becoming an actual announcement deals with a collection of various re-released Pokemon games. The problem, however, is that there have been rumors of different collections going around, so it is difficult to say which of those may end up being true. On the other hand, there is a chance that none of the rumored collections will end up becoming a reality, but The Pokemon Company could announce its own version of the idea.

Ultimately, whatever announcements Pokemon fans are hoping to hear, all they can do right now is wait. Pokemon's 25th anniversary celebration is still a few months away, so there is time for plenty of new things to come. With the company making it official now, Pokemon fans can expect some kind of surprise when the date hits, and likely more throughout the year.

Pokemon will celebrate its 25th anniversary in February 2021.

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