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August 18 marked the start of the Pokemon Championship Series 2022, as Pokemon trainers across the world are gathering in London, England, to see who truly is the strongest of them all. Over the coming weekend, competitors will play through tournaments in the Pokemon TCG, Pokemon VCG, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Unite, and Pokken Tournament DX. As the event begins, however, an announcement has been made. Plans for the Pokemon Championship Series 2023 have now been confirmed.First and most importantly, the games planned to be featured during the Pokemon Championship Series 2023 have been confirmed. Returning will be the Pokemon TCG, Pokemon GO, and Pokemon Unite. It's also confirmed that the Pokemon VCG events will be shifting to the latest games in the Pokemon franchise, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Four different games will be the focus of the Pokemon Championship Series 2022. There are no apparent plans for Pokken Tournament DX to be included in next year's events.RELATED: Pokemon World Championships Expanding to Include More GamesAs with prior years of the Pokemon Championship Series, all games will be divided between three different age-based divisions. The Junior Division is for young competitors born in 2011 or later, a Senior Division for those born between 2007 and 2010, and a Masters Division for those born in 2006 or earlier. In other words, the age groups for the Pokemon competitions are generally broken down into Under 12, 12-16, and 16+ divisions.

Regional Championships for Pokemon TCG and Pokemon GO will be starting this September in North America, Europe, and Latin America. Oceania Regional events will be announced at a later date. Regionals for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be coming, too, but obviously will have to wait for the games to launch. Expect events to begin for the new Pokemon games in January 2023. As for Pokemon Unite, more information on its Championship Series will be coming in 2023.

Those hoping to participate in one of the Pokemon Championship Series 2023 events should visit the official Pokemon website and look for their local regionals, especially since they start next month. There are only so many regionals, so planning ahead is important. No Pokemon trainer wants to miss out on a tournament due to a scheduling error.

In the meantime, Pokemon fans can enjoy the Pokemon Championship Series 2022 which is broadcasting live on Twitch now and through the weekend. It's a great way to see what high-level Pokemon competition looks like in motion. And it should give aspiring champions an idea of how to build a Pokemon team to win next year's Pokemon Championship Series tournament.

MORE: Pokemon VGC: Useful Sites and Resources