
  • The seven most powerful robots on Pluto excel in different fields and rarely work together towards the same objectives.
  • Montblanc is a forestry robot from Switzerland with incredible physical power, appointed as part of the Peacekeeping Force during the 39th Central Asian War.
  • Epsilon is the most advanced robot from Australia, capable of harnessing the power of the sun. Despite his destructive powers, he refused to take part in the war and focused on protecting and caring for orphaned children.

In the world of Pluto, there are seven robots that are often regarded as the most powerful robots in the world. Every single one of them is the brainchild of different scientists from different parts of the world. They excel in different fields, which is why they rarely work together towards the same objectives.

The only things in common between them are the fact that every single one of them represents the pinnacle of engineering and computer sciences, and they are involved in the 39th Central Asian War. With that introduction out of the way, here are the seven most powerful robots on Pluto.

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Pluto Montblanc

Montblanc is a forestry robot from Switzerland. Despite his towering stature, Montblanc is an incredibly kind and gentle robot. He loves nature and animals, which is why he mainly works as a mountain guide in the Alps. He often helps the local area whenever there’s a natural disaster. That’s why everybody who knows Montblanc also loves him very much.

As a forestry robot, Montblanc often needs to lift heavy objects, be it boulders or huge trees. That’s why he can generate over 100,000 horsepower worth of raw physical power, which is the equivalent of the power generated by the engine of the largest container ship in the world. Unfortunately, it was also because of these monstrous powers that Montblanc was appointed as part of the Peacekeeping Force during the 39th Central Asian War.

North No.2

Pluto North No 2

North No.2 is a butler robot from Scotland. From cooking to cleaning, he is exceptional at all house chores. He also has an extremely delicate touch and movement, despite being around 8 feet tall. North No. 2 often uses a large cape that covers his entire body. This is his way of hiding the true role given to him by his creator, a machine of war.

Underneath North No. 2’s cape is a body that resembles a beetle. He has three pairs of arms. One pair is equipped with large blades for close-range combat, one pair is equipped with heavy machine guns, and the last one is a pair of normal human hands that can be used for either close or mid-range combat. North No. 2 is the most battle-oriented robot among the other seven robots on this list, which is why he was part of the frontline combatants during the 39th Central Asian War.


Pluto Gesicht

Gesicht is a robot from Germany who has an advanced investigative ability. He works as a Europol agent and has solved numerous difficult cases throughout Europe. His bleeding-edge analytical capability allows him to shift through the crime scene, find the important clues, and form a conclusion in a matter of seconds.

To increase his effectiveness as a detective robot, Gesicht was designed to have the body of a middle-aged man. Underneath that human appearance, however, is a body made out of a new kind of metal called Zeronium Alloy, which is one of the hardest metals known to mankind. This means Gesicht is practically indestructible. Thanks to his investigative ability and his durability, Gesicht was assigned to be part of the Terrorist Extermination Operation during the 39th Central Asian War.


Pluto Atom

Atom is Japan’s most powerful robot. He was designed to have a body like an elementary student. But underneath his little body is the most advanced Artificial Intelligence in the world. His analytical prowess is even greater than Gesicht’s AI. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he is the most intelligent being on Earth. What makes Atom so fascinating, however, is the fact that he can display complex arrays of emotions, which is something that no other robots can do. He is basically indistinguishable from a regular human boy.

What most people may not realize, however, there is more to Atoms than advanced artificial intelligence. His body is actually equipped with various tools and weapons. For example, his feet can turn into rocket thrusters, while his arms can transform into laser cannons. Unlike the other robots on this list, however, Atom didn't participate in any combat during the 39th Central Asian War. He was sent merely as a symbol of peace after the war had officially ended.

Related: Pluto: What To Expect (According To The Manga)


Pluto Brando-1

Brando is a robot athlete from Turkey. He is an undefeated pankration wrestler who holds a record of 936 consecutive wins, which is why he is also known as the King of Fighters. He is the European champion and a national hero of Turkey. But when he is not fighting in the ring, Brando is actually a family man who prefers to spend time with his wife and five adoptive children.

On a day-to-day basis, Brando looks like an ordinary middle-aged man. When he is fighting, however, he will use a big and burly pankration suit. As a wrestler, Brando is known for his powerful charge and relentless barrage of attacks. During the 39th Central Asian War, Brando was given a specially made military-grade pankration suit. He was fighting on the Frontline alongside his best friend Montblanc and his lifelong rival, Hercules.


Pluto Hercules

Hercules is an athlete robot from Greece. Just like Brando, Hercules is also one of the best pankration wrestlers in the world. The main differences between the two of them are the design of their pankration suits and their combat style. Brando has a bulky and rounded suit that resembles a hedgehog, while Hercules uses a humanoid pankration suit. When it comes to the combat style, Hercules’s fighting style is much more complex and technical compared to Brando’s straightforward way of fighting which mainly relies on his brute strength.

Out of the other robots in this list, Hercules is by far the most stoic one. He dislikes being glorified even though the people of Greece consider him a hero and bestow the title of the God of Battle on him. To Hercules, he merely does what his creator designed him to do. During the 39th Central Asian War, Hercules was at the frontline, along with Brando and Montblanc. And just like Brando, he also uses a special pankration suit provided by the military.


Pluto Epsilon

Epsilon is the most advanced robot from Australia. He is the only robot that can harness the power of the sun in the form of Photon Energy. This means as long as there’s a sun in the sky, Epsilon can channel the photon energy into a tremendous amount of destructive power, which makes him the most powerful robot in this list.

Contrary to his innate destructive powers, however, Epsilon was designed to be a compassionate robot who loves and protects human beings, especially children. This is why he works at an orphanage, surrounded by children who lost their parents in the war.

Despite possessing such a destructive power, Epsilon was the only robot who refused to take part in the 39th Central Asian War. As a result, he was tasked to be a part of the clean-up effort after the war where he was forced to destroy the remains of countless fallen robots.

These robots represent humanity's biggest technological achievements. However, they also represent how human beings won’t hesitate to use technological marvels that were created for peace and the betterment of the world as weapons of mass destruction.

Pluto is available to stream on Netflix.

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