The latest PlayStation State of Play event has just ended, and with the power of social media, it's clear what some fans thought of the event. The gaming community is no stranger to voicing its opinion via Twitter, and today is no different, as fans are venting their disappointments of the State of Play event.

Earlier this week, Sony announced it would be holding a State Of Play event, but the news came with one big caveat. Sony made it very clear with its announcement that the State of Play would be focusing on upcoming PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR games, as well as quick looks at previously-announced third-party games and indie titles from the PlayStation 5 event in June.

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Lastly, the tweet to announce the State of Play made it clear that there would be no big PlayStation 5 announcements during the event. This tweet should have basically set fan's expectations properly, but that didn't stop some from assuming what was coming, causing a bit of a letdown.

Once the narrator returned to tell viewers that the event was concluding, without any major reveals or a "one more thing" type announcement, fans were quick to the keyboard to voice their opinions. Even after Sony made it abundantly clear for its event that fans should keep expectations low, fans let themselves get hyped for announcements that were never going to happen. Currently, the hashtag #StateofPlay is filled with plenty of tweets that share a similar same message, "that's it?"

During the event, Sony showed off a handful of updates for upcoming PlayStation games and kicked off the show with a sizable look at Crash Bandicoot 4. A new trailer showed off more gameplay, more playable characters, and the all-new Inverted Mode that lets players replay levels in challenging new ways. Also during the show, fans got their first look at a brand new game, Hood: Outlaws and Legends which is a multiplayer heist game that has players stealing treasure, much like the Robin Hood tales.

The good news is, the reaction isn't all bad and plenty of fans found something to like within the State of Play event. While it's not exactly the news that everyone wanted, the event still showed off plenty of good reasons for fans to hold on to their PlayStation 4 systems in the coming months and even after the PlayStation 5 launches.

Although, the gaming community is a very vocal group that isn't shy about making demands for games they want and being upset when an event passes and the desired announcement doesn't happen. Demanding games has some precedent, however, as Skate 4 is entering development after fans commented and hounded EA social accounts for years asking for a Skate sequel.

Sony's State of Play is just the latest instance of fans being upset that their favorite company let them down. Back in May, Xbox held it's own event to show off third-party games coming to the Xbox Series X and promised gameplay from Assassin's Creed Valhalla. But the event was heavily ridiculed for a lack of exciting announcements and for not actually having true gameplay to show off for the next Assassin's Creed game. The harsh truth for all companies looking to host events to announce games is that no matter how low they try to set expectations for fans, a portion of the community will always be upset.

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