We don't know why we do it, we just do. When it comes to the world of hardcore gaming, there are those who compete against others and those who compete against themselves... And this article is about the latter. Some people see 'hard' game modes and politely excuse themselves from the challenge while others embrace their rage-quits and summon up a determination that's truly mind-blowing. Gaming is no longer a fun pastime, it's officially a skill that few hone well enough to take on a game's greatest challenge.

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Now it's time to see how many of us can check some of PlayStation's toughest games (and their toughest game modes) off our lists. Some of these might drag up infuriating memories while others might bring pure joy at the mere thought of said trophy, but here they are. The hardest game modes for some of the most well-loved PS games.

10 Ethan Must Die Mode In Resident Evil 7

Biohazard was a relatively quick game for most of us and while it certainly wasn't the easiest, it wasn't too terribly challenging, either. A few cheap deaths, a few regroupings, some ammo hunts, and we were back in business. The game served as a great bridge to bring the Resident Evil series into the new generation of gaming and it was really the graphics and enemies that captured us. For those who thought it was simply too easy, the Ethan Must Die mode came as a welcome challenge... until we realized it was true to its title. This mode isn't simply a challenge, it's practically a deathwish for those who can't get enough of the flesh-eating infected.

9 New Game +, The Seventh Time, For Dark Souls

Dark Souls is still generating buzz as not only one of the most challenging RPGs but one of the original toughest RPGs. While Code Vein is doing its best to show up this soulless series, as of right now, nothing beats the seventh play through. That would be the sixth round on new game + for those of us who are aware and, likely, those of us who have attempted and failed.

While there are a bunch who have succeeded, they're considered to have 'got good' and then some. By the time you've made it to this round, enemies become nearly impossible and your build simply does not matter. More like Soul-Crushing.

8 KURAYAMI Mode In The Evil Within... 'Darkness'

The Evil Within will always be a memorable survival horror for many of us. It's still modern enough to be loved to this day and with the installment of the second game in the series, it officially feels complete. From graphics to gameplay, there's not much this story lacked, including a game mode that's utterly infuriating. In order to unlock KURAYAMI mode, you must first beat The Assignment. Once you've done this, you can plan to spend this challenging AF game mode in the dark with only a flashlight to guide you. If it wasn't scary enough to begin with, we're now throwing some Silent Hill-esque gameplay at you.

7 Mein Leben! Wolfenstein 2 Doesn't Give Second Chances

This game mode, specific to Wolfenstein II, has actually been questioned as to whether or not it's beatable. Some games require luck while others require a bit of finesse, and this mode requires both. Believe it or not, this difficulty mode is only one of six, and the game's actual 'hard' mode is already a hella challenge. The problem is that there's literally no room for error, meaning gamers must play a near-perfect game in order to play to full completion. This is undoubtedly one of those trophies which will remain at 'rare' percentage for some time.

6 Famously, Grounded Mode For The Last Of Us

The Last of Us is definitely known more for its story than its gameplay, although it should not be underestimated. There are definitely more than a few hair-raising moments throughout this game, indicating that hard mode is no easy feat. In addition to harder enemies, ammo is even more difficult to find, andt it was never really easy in the first place.

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Between jump-scares and grotesque fungi-heads, it takes a strong gamer and an even stronger zen level to take on this stage of the game. We'd recommend investing in some meditation classes before and after.

5 Survival Mode In Fallout 4 Is As Expected

There's no easy introduction when it comes to Survival mode in Fallout 4. The first ten levels have been described as 'brutal', which is never something you want to hear used as a game-descriptor. However, in stark contrast to other survival modes, fans of Fallout have also referred to this new gameplay as 'thrilling'. It's easy to see why upgraded bosses and the need for even more survival basics can add excitement to the game, but one-hit kill enemies? We'll pass.

4 The Big Boss Extreme Mode In Metal Gear Solid 4 Is Seriously Extreme

Game devs must just decide to pull out all the stops when it comes to the fourth game in a series. Metal Gear Solid 4 also offers a seriously hard game mode for those who appreciate a challenge, and it does not disappoint. Konami outdid themselves when they created this horror, combining the complete lack of items with some serious one-hit takedowns. This mode is unlocked when beating any other difficulty level so while you don't need to play the previous 'hard' mode, you probably should.

3 Killzone's Elite Mode Is Only For The Elite Gamers

This hard mode is available via DLC for Killzone and comes with some pretty stiff rules. Not only do players have only three lives to play with, but checkpoints are also limited if you can find them. You could say that you need a bit of luck in order to get out of this one alive, that's granted you make it out with any lives left at all. Pick and choose your battles, because it's not likely this game will take pity on the non-elite.

2 Serious Sam And Its Invisible Enemies In Mental Mode

Serious Sam's Mental Mode is a bit of a laugh, at least for those who haven't yet played it. This is the type of hard mode where you begin gameplay, realize the enemies go invisible, and chuckle out loud like in the "I'm in danger" meme. We wish it wasn't so but it is -- the enemies do indeed disappear after first sight of them.

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If that doesn't make each level of this game that much more rage-inducing, we're not sure what will.

1 Hard Mode In Catherine Is NSFW And Challenging

Catherine's popularity recently surged again due to the complete reboot by Atlas, following their reign via Persona 5. While many blew through the game fairly quickly (or not so much, if you were going for every possible ending), some of us didn't stick around for the game's hard mode. Puzzle games are a challenge, to begin with, but you need an elevated logistical and analytical state in order to successfully complete this mode without rage-quitting over losing to a demon bride.

Next: 10 Console Games Where It's Almost Impossible To Get Every Trophy/AchievementÂ