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In June 2022, Sony launched a revamped PlayStation Plus, one that incorporates a subscription model akin to the defunct PS Now. As the service is split into three tiers, people can decide whether they only want access to online multiplayer and a few free games per month or hundreds of titles from across PlayStation history. PS Plus Premium is the most expensive membership as it includes the Classics Catalog, a library consisting of PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSP games. The tier also has some PS4 remasters of PS3 releases.

The PlayStation 2 era produced some of the greatest games of all time, and a handful of these masterpieces are on PS Plus. Now, the service's selection is not particularly extensive, but there is a decent array of games that are otherwise difficult to come by. The same could be said for the platform's PS1 and PSP offerings, both of which only have a couple of representatives. What are the best PS Plus PS2 games? Which are the best PS1 and PSP games on PS Plus Premium?

Best PS1 Games On PS Plus

The console that started it all, the PS1 has a great and influential library. At the moment, PS Plus Premium does not have a particularly massive range of PS1 classics, although most months seem to bring with them one or two new titles. Still, there are some great PS Plus PS1 games.

The Legend Of Dragoon

Legend of Dragoon Dart Dragoon Transformation Cropped
The Legend of Dragoon

June 14, 2000
How Long To Beat
50 Hours

Added to PS Plus Premium in February 2023, The Legend of Dragoon was one of the most highly sought-after PS1 classics that people wished would be added to the service. Released late in the console's lifespan, Japan Studio's JRPG was an ambitious project that built upon the genre's ideas while offering quite impressive visuals. The core turn-based combat system is relatively prototypical for the era, although the game does introduce a few wrinkles to the formula that give it a unique identity.

The Legend of Dragoon: The 7 Best Places To Level Up

These are the best places for the players to level up in The Legend of Dragoon.

The Legend of Dragoon has been difficult to come by since its release, especially since the game was never ported to other platforms. Consequently, the project's PS Plus debut was a big deal as it made the JRPG easily accessible to a new audience and returning players. Hopefully, this turn of events suggests that Sony might be willing to revitalize The Legend of Dragoon. Nevertheless, this classic JRPG is probably the best PS1 game on PS Plus.

Twisted Metal 1 & 2

twisted metal 1
Twisted Metal

November 5, 1995
Sony Interactive Studios America , SingleTrac
Vehicular Combat
How Long To Beat
5 Hours

Sony has largely ignored Twisted Metal since the release of the self-titled entry on the PS3. Even though there is nothing to suggest a sequel is currently in the works, the franchise did make its TV debut in July 2023, so it is not completely dead. To celebrate the launch of that project, Sony added Twisted Metal and its successor to PS Plus Premium, a development that was long overdue. Regardless of its recent absence, the IP is nevertheless a staple of the PlayStation brand that produced a string of great titles across three generations.

Like many PS1 games, both Twisted Metal projects undoubtedly show their ages, and someone's appreciation for their vehicular chaos might vary depending on their familiarity with the series. Just to be clear, these titles are still good fun despite their clunky controls, and their characters, stories, and maps have aged pretty well. Ultimately, Twisted Metal is a blast from the past that will trigger a nostalgic reaction in malnourished fans or spark an insatiable hunger in newcomers.

Tekken 2

Tekken 2

August 24, 1995
How Long To Beat
1 Hours

Considering Tekken's legacy on PlayStation consoles, the franchise's limited presence on PS Plus is disappointing. The only title on the service is Tekken 2, which is a very good fighting game that tends to be overshadowed by its superior sequel. That said, Namco's second entry improved upon its predecessor in a few key ways, including the introduction of new modes that would become franchise staples.

Dated as the game's visuals might be in this day and age, Tekken 2 holds up reasonably well all things considered. While not the definitiveTekken classic, this PS1 game is nevertheless a classic.

Jumping Flash!

jumping flash ps1 game
Jumping Flash

November 2, 1995
Exact, Ultra
How Long To Beat
2 Hours

Jumping Flash! came out at the height of platformers, but the game was unlike almost anything else on the market. Presented from a first-person perspective, the PS1 title drops players in (relatively) large areas and asks them to explore while collecting pods.

Jumping Flash! showcases just how versatile "jumping" can be as a mechanic. The controls are pitch-perfect, and the levels are charming in an old-school type of way. Provided somebody is not going in expecting something exactly like Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot, Jumping Flash! is a blast.

Worms Armageddon

Worms battling on sandcastles and ice cream in Worms Armageddon
Worms Armageddon

June 24, 1999
Team17 , Infogrames
Turn-Based Strategy
How Long To Beat
9 Hours

For roughly a decade, a year seldom seemed to pass without the release of a new Worms. Since 2016, the franchise’s output has slowed down considerably, although its most recent projects – W.M.D and Rumble – are solid games in their own right. There are a lot of great Worms titles, a few of which are on PS Plus, but if forced to highlight just one entry, 1999’s Armageddon represents the license at its peak in both popularity and quality. A 2D turn-based strategy game with a silly but endearing sense of humor, Worms Armageddon pits two armies of earthworms in over-the-top battles filled with explosions, ridiculous weapons, and death.

Worms is synonymous with multiplayer, to the point that the games are difficult to recommend solely on their single-player content. Armageddon is not an exception as the combat system really comes alive when solely human players are involved, ensuring matches descend into gloriously chaotic battlefields. While not amazing, the single-player campaign can keep someone engaged for a few hours, provided they can handle an occasional bout of frustration.

Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter

February 17, 1999
Stealth , Third-Person Shooter
How Long To Beat
11 Hours

Since launching PS Plus Premium, Sony has drip-fed Syphon Filter games to subscribers. All three PS1 entries in the series can now be played on PS4 and PS5 consoles, and they each have their fans. Even though an argument could be made that Syphon Filter 2 perfects the formula established by its predecessor, the latter is nonetheless the best starting point for newcomers to this franchise.

Every Syphon Filter Game, Ranked

Syphon Filter is a cult classic franchise, but what is the best game in the series?

Now, these games show their age in many ways, and they are not as timeless as some other PS1 stealth releases like Metal Gear Solid. Be that as it may, Syphon Filter played a role in making the original PlayStation a must-own console.

Resident Evil Director’s Cut

Resident Evil Director’s Cut
Resident Evil

March 30, 1996
Survival Horror
How Long To Beat
7 Hours

Capcom's Resident Evil not only changed the survival horror genre forever but also made it mainstream. While an argument could be presented that the 2002 remake is the definitive way to experience this story, the 1996 original game holds up well as a nerve-racking third-person shooter with creepy enemies, atmospheric environments, and fantastic level design.

The Director's Cut does not offer too many changes from the vanilla version, but it does include a few options that enhance the game's replayability. If someone only has experience with the post-Resident Evil 4 entries in the franchise, they would be doing themselves a disservice by ignoring everything that came before it. After all, Resident Evil is one of the best PS1 games on PS Plus​​​​​​.

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

Oddworld Abe
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

September 18, 1997
Oddworld Inhabitants
How Long To Beat
13 Hours

PS Plus Premium has 1997's Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and its sequel, Abe's Exoddus, both of which are unsettling platformers with methodical rather than fast-paced gameplay. In a series of stages, Abe must traverse a horrifying world filled with deadly creatures as he attempts to rescue captured Mudokons, which are the species the protagonist belongs to.

Oddworld has always lived up to its name, and while later releases like Stranger's Wrath are great, the original PS1 entries represent the franchise at its nightmarish best. PS Plus Extra subscribers can also jump into 2021's Oddworld: Soulstorm.

Rally Cross

rally cross ps1-1
Rally Cross

February 28, 1997
Sony Interactive Studios America
How Long To Beat
7 Hours

A cult classic racing game, Rally Cross was a blast on the original PlayStation. Developed by Sony, the title complemented Gran Turismo by offering a rally option, a subgenre largely dominated by Sega. While not quite as highly decorated as arcade staples like Sega Rally Championship, Rally Cross is a very good game in its own right, and it has aged pretty well provided somebody goes in with realistic expectations. Sure, the graphics are nothing to write home about in this day and age, but they are charming and respectable for their era. The gameplay takes some getting used to, and the cars can be quite slippery and difficult to handle around corners; however, the controls are still fairly arcadey and accessible, just with a steeper learning curve than most games of this ilk.

12 Best Rally Racing Games, Ranked

Rally racing is the most thrilling of all motorsports, and these are the best games that emulate those thrills.

In terms of content, Rally Cross has more than enough to keep a driver entertained for a couple of hours. Players will largely want to work through the season mode, which will allow them to unlock more tracks. The latter is arguably the highlight of the game since the gameplay largely revolves around finding the ideal route around the courses. In terms of cars, Rally Cross has a good selection as well, and they differ enough from each other to justify trying out a few to see which one fits the best.

Best PS2 Games On PS Plus

When Sony relaunched PS Plus, PS2 games were more abundant than PS1 or PSP, even if the selection was still fairly small. However, since then, the console has rarely been spotlighted, and it is now starting to feel like an afterthought.

PaRappa The Rapper 2

PaRappa The Rapper 2 game
Parappa The Rapper 2

January 21, 2002
How Long To Beat
2 Hours

A somewhat forgotten sequel, PaRappa the Rapper 2 might have played things a bit too safe to leave a lasting impression the way its predecessor did; however, the fact the sequel is so similar to the PS1 classic means that fans of the latter are likely to have a blast with the former. Once again, PaRappa has to complete rap verses, repeating lines via player-inputted button presses. The simplistic concept has a rough albeit charming execution, but the overall campaign is a fun little ride while it lasts. The story is silliness personified, and it is elevated by endearing characters and a stylish presentation, although the latter's impact might be slightly influenced by nostalgia.

PaRappa the Rapper 2 is a good pick for young players since it does not have a steep learning curve or questionable content. More importantly, PS Plus Premium has very few rhythm games, so this PS2 release scratches a largely ignored itch. PaRappa is a PlayStation icon in his own right, and he deserves representation on Sony's subscription platform.

Dark Cloud 2

Dark Chronicle or Dark Cloud 2
Dark Cloud 2

February 17, 2003
Action RPG
How Long To Beat
50 Hours

Dark Cloud is on PS Plus Premium and well worth trying, but the sequel is better in every single way. The hack and slash combat is simplistic but enjoyable, while the weapon system provides a constantly satisfying feeling of progression. Level-5's JRPG also benefits from an art style that has aged gracefully after nearly two decades.

10 PS2 JRPGs With The Best Combat System, Ranked

There were a lot of great PS2 JRPGs that came out during the system's run and some of them had some insanely fun combat systems.

An interesting addition is a city-building mechanic that permits the world to grow as the campaign progresses. While there is a lot to do and the story is only decent, Dark Cloud 2 genuinely makes the player feel like they have accomplished a lot during their adventure.

Wild Arms 3

wild arms 3
Wild Arms 3

October 15, 2002
Media Vision
How Long To Beat
32 Hours

During Sony's first decade, the company's consoles were not exactly lacking for JRPGs. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Suikoden were producing gold at a bi-yearly rate, while smaller titles like Wild Arms filled in the gaps wherever necessary.

As a turn-based JRPG with a Western aesthetic, Wild Arms 3 boasts a fantastic story that offers a genuine sense of discovery, mainly due to the world map not revealing locations until they are found by the player. The combat does get a bit repetitive, but it is still a decent system.

Rogue Galaxy

rogue galaxy
Rogue Galaxy

January 30, 2007
Action , JRPG , Sci-Fi
How Long To Beat
38 Hours

Once again, a JRPG makes the cut, serving as a testament to the PS2's impressive library. Level-5's Rogue Galaxy is a real-time action RPG that takes players on an expansive adventure across the universe, with multiple planets to explore.

10 JRPGs That Never Got A Sequel (But Deserved One)

While a niche genre, some JRPGs franchises proved capable of spawning endless sequels. The same cannot be said for these ten games.

The battle system is fluid and holds up strangely well, while there is a decent list of side-quests that generally avoid being too meaningless. Rogue Galaxy's progression system is also quite unique, as abilities and stat boosts are unlocked by equipping specific items to a flow chart.

Ape Escape 2

Ape Escape 2 ps2
Ape Escape 2

June 30, 2003
Japan Studio
How Long To Beat
8 Hours

The last main Ape Escape game came out in 2006, so the world is long owed a new project in the franchise. Only Ape Escape 2 is available on PS Plus Premium, which is a shame as Ape Escape 3 is also a PS2 classic, but beggars can't be choosers.

Ape Escape 2 is a bonkers collect-a-thon that really makes the simple act of catching monkeys a joy. Endlessly charming and quite pretty for its era, Ape Escape 2 is not just one of the best PS2 games on PS Plus Premium, but also one of the console's best games period.

War Of The Monsters

War of the Monsters ps2
War of the Monsters

January 14, 2003
Incognito Entertainment
How Long To Beat
3 Hours

Kaiju-themed games are in short supply, and few of these releases are worth playing beyond a match or two. Even though it lacks recognizable characters like Godzilla or King Kong, War of the Monsters is generally regarded as one of the better examples of this style of project. The PS2 classic serves as a homage to old-school monster movies, specifically those that had an endearing cheesy edge to them.

9 Best Games Featuring Godzilla, Ranked

If there's one thing the Godzilla franchise is good at, it's pumping out games. Here are some of the best featuring the giant, reptilian kaiju.

As one of 10 monsters, players are dropped into decently sized cities and pitted against other massive behemoths. Using the buildings around them as weapons, the kaiju engage in epic brawls while occasionally replenishing their health with a quick pick-up. War of the Monsters does get repetitive after a while since the fighters are not that unique from each other, however, it is a fun ride for a couple of hours.

Jak Trilogy

Jak Trilogy
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

December 4, 2001
Naughty Dog
How Long To Beat
10 Hours

Naughty Dog's PS2 era tends to be overshadowed by their Crash Bandicoot and Uncharted games, but the Jak trilogy is nevertheless fantastic and would be most studios' crowning achievement. This series blends quite a few genres, incorporating elements from platformers, third-person shooters, and even pseudo-open-worlds. It is a mix that works shockingly well, and while some entries are better than others, the trilogy never dips below "pretty good."

  • Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – Released in 2001, this game finds Naughty Dog cautiously building on its Crash Bandicoot roots. The Precursor Legacy plays like a more open-ended collect-a-thon, and the game prioritizes platforming over combat. Even if an argument can be made that this is the least ambitious entry in the trilogy, a convincing case can also be presented that The Precursor Legacy is the best.
  • Jak 2 – This sequel allowed Naughty Dog to expand out of its comfort zone. Jak 2 pushes combat and narrative to the forefront, the latter of which would come to define the studio's releases moving forward. Nearly every part of this package is fantastic; the gameplay is addictive, the characters are unforgettable, and the world is beautifully realized.
  • Jak 3 – The trilogy ends on its weakest entry, although that serves as a testament to the high quality of the previous games rather than Jak 3's lack of it. Expanding the combat system significantly, Jak 3's core gameplay is an absolute blast, although the protagonist's expansive arsenal of weapons mutes most of the campaign's difficulty. While the story feels a bit rushed or undercooked in places, it still hits a few high points.

Best HD Remasters & Remakes Of PS2 Games

The above PS2 games were converted to the PS4 (or PS5). PS Plus Premium barely makes a dent into the PS2's glorious library, but its tiny collection is improved by a number of HD remasters or remakes. The PS3 releases can only be streamed on PS Plus Premium, which is not fantastic, but they at least present a way to access some PS2 classics.

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

July 8, 2022
How Long To Beat
15 Hours
Bandai Namco Studios

Another example of a franchise that went dormant after producing a few great games, Klonoa deserves a lot more attention than it tends to receive. At least, the IP's two main entries are available on modern consoles courtesy of a compilation that also remasters them. Blending side-scrolling action with 3D visuals, these platform games have aged well, and newcomers can look forward to playing a delightful PS1 classic and its arguably superior PS2 sequel.

Although not a huge departure for the genre, Klonoa has a unique identity that sets it apart from other 2D or 3D platformers, be it through its colorful stages or its combat system. Whether someone is searching for a nostalgia hit or looking to try out some new platformers, this collection is an easy recommendation.

Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS3)

Devil May Cry HD Collection, Dante
Devil May Cry HD Collection

April 3, 2012
How Long To Beat
28 Hours

In 2001, Capcom's Devil May Cry hack and slashed its way onto the PS2 and player's hearts, instantly establishing Dante as an elite gaming protagonist. Following a brief stumble, Devil May Cry 3 hit the scene and revolutionized the action genre, delivering a combat system that has very few peers to this day. Although an inconsistent ride, the PS3's HD collection is still a fantastic way to experience this iconic trilogy, particularly if someone has yet to try out this franchise.

Every Devil May Cry Game, Ranked According To Difficulty

The Devil May Cry games have always been known for their difficulty, but some are incredibly brutal and unforgiving in their overall challenge.

Tempting as it might be to jump into the third game, especially since it is a prequel, it is best to start with the original Devil May Cry. This Gothic masterpiece has atmosphere to spare, tight level design, and a killer soundtrack; however, the gameplay is not a patch on its sequels, so its restrictive and bare-bones nature can be hard to stomach after playing through the third game. However, feel free to skip Devil May Cry 2 the second boredom sets in as the game doesn't eventually improve.

The Sly Collection

sly cooper characters
The Sly Collection

November 9, 2010
Sucker Punch , Sanzaru Games
Platformer , Stealth
How Long To Beat
32 Hours

While perhaps overshadowed by the SNES, Nintendo 64, and PS1, the PS2 has one of the best selections of platformers in gaming history. As classics like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro faltered, IPs such as Ratchet & Clank and Jak rose from the ashes and carried the genre on their sturdy shoulders. Second-tier properties like Kao the Kangaroo, Tak, Maximo, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, and the Pac-Man World sequels guaranteed fans of the genre always had something to fall back on. Then, there were all the non-franchise releases that were rough but charming, including games like Vexx, Whiplash, Scaler, and I-Ninja.

PS Plus Premium does not even begin to scratch the surface of the PS2's platformer library, but at least there are a few heavy hitters. The Sly Collection contains remasters of Sucker Punch's PS2 trilogy, a trio of games that stand alongside Jak and Ratchet & Clank as the console's peak for 3D platformers. The series works well as a whole since its characters and stories develop naturally from entry to entry. However, each title also stands out as a unique package, with the gameplay evolving nicely as the trilogy progresses.

  • Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus – The first game in the trilogy is, unsurprisingly, the most straightforward. In many ways, Sly 1 plays like a straightforward, linear platformer, albeit one that incorporates light stealth elements. Although it does not bring many new ideas to the genre, this 2002 release holds up pretty well in most aspects.
  • Sly 2: Band of Thieves – A significant departure from its predecessor, Sly 2 opens things up through the introduction of a hub world and a shift towards open-ended level design that emphasizes stealth and action as much as standard platforming. The eponymous raccoon is also joined on this mission by two friends who have unique play styles.
  • Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves – Bringing the trilogy to a close on a positive note, Sly 3 believes that "more is more." There are more playable characters, mission types, and minigames. Unlike the previous entries, this sequel is less concerned with collectibles, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on the player.

Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster (PS4)

Final Fantasy 10 hd
Final Fantasy 10

December 17, 2001
Square Enix
How Long To Beat
45 Hours

Final Fantasy helped cement Sony's PS1 as a must-own console, and Final Fantasy 10 proved that would remain the case for the hardware's sequel. Tidus finds himself teleported to Spira, a world that is facing a calamity brought on by "Sin." Consequently, Tidus joins a group dedicated to protecting Yuna as she sets out on a journey to defeat Sin.

21 JRPGs To Play If You Loved Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10 is a prime example of a fantastic JRPG, and gamers looking for a similar experience would do well to try out these other games.

Final Fantasy 10 is an accessible, ambitious, and epic JRPG, and the HD remaster introduces plenty of quality-of-life improvements that make the game easier to revisit all these years later. Final Fantasy 10-2 has a great combat system, although its narrative and tone tend to be a bit more polarizing. Together, these JRPGs should keep somebody busy for a few months.

Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus Collection (PS3)

ico and shadow of the colossus hd

September 24, 2001
JapanStudio , Team Ico
Action , Adventure

Team Ico does not publish a game often, but they tend to be worth the wait. On the PS2, the studio produced 2001's Ico and 2005's Shadow of the Colossus, both of which serve as prime examples of gaming's potential to deliver works of art. Set in largely desolate worlds, these games are mood pieces that deliver a perfect marriage of gameplay and story, with the latter dictating the former's place and purpose. Neither one wastes a single moment.

Ico tends to be overshadowed by Shadow of the Colossus, but it should not be skipped over for its bigger sibling. Its puzzles, characters, environments, and sound work are second to none.

Shadow of the Colossus is an ambitious project that pushed the PS2 to its limits, and the HD version retains and even enhances its brilliance. In order to save a girl, Wander is told to kill massive and largely peaceful colossi.

2018's Shadow of the Colossus remake is also on PS Plus Premium.

Ratchet & Clank Collection

Ratchet And Clank Holding Laser Weapon Blasting Enemies
The Ratchet and Clank Collection

August 28, 2012
Insomniac Games
How Long To Beat
46 Hours

A convincing argument could be made that Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank trilogy was the PS2's best action-platformers, and now all three games are available on PS Plus Premium. In celebration of the franchise's anniversary, Sony added a host of Ratchet & Clank games to the service in November 2022. Consequently, subscribers have access to 10 space-faring adventures with the lovable PlayStation mascots.

Ratchet & Clank: All The Games, Ranked

The Ratchet & Clank series has been around for two decades and seems to withstand the test of time.

As The Ratchet & Clank Collection is a PS3 remaster of the PS2 trilogy, Premium users will need to stream the games. Although not ideal, they at least present an opportunity to revisit these titles without requiring the original console.

  • Ratchet & Clank – Debuting in 2002, this classic introduced the world to Insomniac's property. Unlike some of its sequels, Ratchet & Clank prioritizes platforming over gunplay, although the latter is still a fixture of the campaign. Modern players might be familiar with 2016's remake, which was the license's only PS4 entry. While that version has superior gameplay, the 2002 original does a far better job with its story, showcasing why Ratchet, Clank, and Captain Qwark would become such beloved figures.
  • Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando – This entry is frequently cited as the franchise's best game, although it faces stiff competition from its direct sequel and the PS5's Rift Apart. Going Commando improves upon its predecessor in nearly every way. Along with fine-tuning the base mechanics, the combat introduces a weapon upgrade system based on usage, a fantastic addition that quickly became a staple of the series. The sequel's story also builds nicely on the first game and allows Ratchet and Clank's friendship to blossom beautifully.
  • Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal – The final mainline PS2 entry in the series does not deviate too far from Going Commando's blueprint, but offering more of the same is not a bad thing when the fundamentals are so strong. Up Your Arsenal's gunplay is impeccable and satisfying, ranking as the best in the trilogy. Narratively, the game brings this saga to a close at a high point. While Insomniac would go on to produce plenty of other games in the series, the PS2 Ratchet & Clank trilogy arguably still represents the franchise at its peak.

God Of War 2 HD (PS3)

God of War 2 HD
God of War 2

March 13, 2007
Santa Monica Studio
How Long To Beat
12 Hours

God of War might very well be the most famous Sony series to debut during the PS2 era, and PS Plus Premium contains Kratos' home console saga. The HD remasters of the first and second games got the ball rolling on the PS3's Classics HD run, and this package only had to take the timeless awesomeness of the originals and make them playable on modern systems to be a resounding success. It is a resounding success.

Bloody, epic, visceral, and cathartic, God of War has accessible but engaging combat, dynamic boss fights, and puzzle sections that provide a welcome break from the hack and slash mayhem. God of War 2 is a considerable step up from its predecessor and a contender for the best PS2 game of all time.

Best PSP Games On PS Plus

Compared to PS1 and PS2, PSP started out with a very weak selection on PS Plus Premium; however, the service has taken some steps to rectify this shortcoming. While still a drop in the bucket when compared to the platform's overall library, Premium now has some notable PSP representation.

Killzone: Liberation

Killzone Liberation psp
Killzone: Liberation

October 31, 2006
Guerrilla Games
Third-Person Shooter
How Long To Beat
8 Hours

Killzone might not have developed into the juggernaut FPS franchise Sony envisioned when the original game launched on the PS2, but the license deserves way more love than it has received over the last decade. At the bare minimum, the PS2 and PS3 trilogy should have been part of PS Plus Premium’s launch lineup, and the fact they have yet to be added is disappointing. Although a fine enough game in the grand scheme of things, Killzone Shadow Fall is nowhere near good enough to carry and preserve the franchise’s memory and legacy. Thankfully, as of June 2023, the PS4 entry is no longer alone.

Due to launching on the PSP, a handheld console that was not a great match for first-person shooters, Killzone Liberation utilizes an isometric camera to display its action. Unsurprisingly, this change results in a wildly different experience than the home console entries, transforming Killzone from a cinematic FPS to something of a tactical shooter. Despite this switch in point of view, Liberation retains Killzone’s trademark graphical prowess and thrilling combat, the latter of which packs a considerable punch as the game loves to flood stages with enemies.

Ridge Racer 2

ridge racer 2
Ridge Racer 2

September 14, 2006
Namco Bandai
How Long To Beat
7 Hours

Up until the PS3 era, Sony typically launched a console with Ridge Racer in some form or another. The arcade racing series often acted as a hardware showcase, all the while still delivering fun and addictive gameplay. The PSP was no exception since it launched with Ridge Racer, which is one of the console's highest-rated games.

Best Verified Racing Games On The Steam Deck

Owners of the Steam Deck have a good selection of racing video games to choose from. The following are the best verified ones.

2006's sequel offers more of the same, to the point that the game largely plays and looks identical to its predecessor. However, Ridge Racer 2 added a whole host of new tracks, making it sort of like the franchise's definitive option on the portable system.

Pursuit Force

pursuit force psp on ps4 ps5
Pursuit Force

March 7, 2006
Bigbig Studios
Vehicular Combat
How Long To Beat
10 Hours

The PlayStation Portable has an array of exclusive IPs that never made their way to other platforms, dooming them to a short-lived span of relevancy. While the service has barely made a dent into the handheld console's library, PS Plus at least incentivizes Sony to bring a few forgotten titles back into the limelight, making them available to an audience that would otherwise never hear of them. Pursuit Force is one such project, as the vehicular combat game can now be experienced on modern consoles.

Although it does not look impressive on a big-screen TV, Pursuit Force fared pretty well on the PSP. The story follows a rookie cop who is assigned operations that are ripped right out of classic '80s Hollywood blockbusters. This means a lot of car chases, shootouts, and jumping from moving vehicle to moving vehicle. Frantic and explosive, the campaign never hits the brakes on the action, ensuring dull moments are few and far in-between. While charmingly over-the-top, someone's mileage with Pursuit Force is likely to depend on their fondness for old-school 2000s games as it does feel like a product of its time.

Extreme Justice has also been added to PS Plus Premium, and the sequel largely offers more of the same. Luckily, that is not a bad thing.


Echochrome psp fixed

May 1, 2008
Game Yarouze, Japan Studio
How Long To Beat
7 Hours

An innovative puzzle game, Echochrome tasks players with guiding a stick figure through three-dimensional spaces filled with obstacles or holes. Rather than control the characters, players are asked to manipulate the terrain by rotating the space itself.

Echochrome is simple but challenging. On the surface, the game seems quite basic, but its gameplay is versatile and deep.

Resistance: Retribution

Resistance Retribution
Resistance: Retribution

March 17, 2009
Bend Studio
Third-Person Shooter
How Long To Beat
10 Hours

Similar to Killzone: Liberation, Resistance: Retribution sought to adapt a home console staple for the PSP ecosystem, and the latter arguably did it better. Unlike the first-person originals, Retribution is a third-person shooter that takes smart steps to bypass the console's single thumbstick, largely through the implementation of a forgiving assist system that does not punish players too harshly. More importantly, this spin-off tells an impressive and lengthy story that complements the PS3 trilogy, delivering a similar tone and sense of gravitas.

Retribution follows a protagonist who has lost everything, and his only goal is to pursue revenge against the Chimera. The narrative is one of the campaign's strongest suits, and it is backed by exhilarating action and solid weapons. Now, the game shows its age in many places and might struggle to entertain newcomers who have no nostalgia for it; however, fans of the overall series who missed out on Retribution should give it a try.

Tekken 6

Tekken Tag 6 Heihachi, Kazuya, and Jin
Tekken 6
October 27, 2009
Namco Bandai
How Long To Beat
8 Hours

After the astronomical high of Tekken 5, its numbered successor felt like a bit of a comedown, although that speaks more to the quality of the PS2 entry than the PS3 and PSP sequel. Tekken 6 was still a very good fighter, and it was more impressive on the portable system than on the home console.

Tekken: Strongest Female Characters, Ranked

Here's how the strongest female characters from the Tekken fighting franchise rank up.

Now, PS Plus Premium subscribers have access to Tekken 2 and, more importantly, Tekken 7, so they might struggle to find a reason to boot up the PS5 and PS4 ports of this 2009 PSP entry, especially since it does not offer a campaign. That said, the game does have a decent selection of single-player modes to keep someone busy for a few hours. Ultimately, this option is for die-hard fans who want a slight change of pace from Tekken 7. Unsurprisingly, Tekken 6's combat holds up very well and delivers all the depth and combo potential synonymous with Bandai's license.

Jak And Daxter: The Lost Frontier

Promo art featuring characters in Jak And Daxter The Lost Frontier
Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier

November 3, 2009
High Impact Games
How Long To Beat
8 Hours

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier almost missed out on the best PSP games on the PlayStation Plus shortlist, largely because it is just decent rather than great; however, the spin-off's relative obscurity is its key selling point. As Jak and Daxter is a beloved PlayStation franchise that might never receive a new entry, fans have to make do with what they have. While most people are likely familiar with Naughty Dog's PS2 trilogy and kart racer, the same cannot be said about the PSP spin-offs. 2006's Daxter is a genuinely awesome time, but it is not on PS Plus at the moment. Fortunately, The Lost Frontier is available to Premium-tier subscribers.

Now, the 2009 game is almost unquestionably the franchise's lowest point, which is likely the reason it tends to be forgiven. That said, The Lost Frontier is still a perfectly enjoyable adventure that tries hard to capture the magic of 2001's The Precursor Legacy. Pushing combat to the back burner, the campaign prioritizes platforming and puzzles, along with aerial dogfights that threaten to overstay their welcome. Due to originally coming out on the PSP (and PS2), The Lost Frontier's controls are not ideal for a 3D platformer, although they generally get the job done.

Ultimately, The Lost Frontier is only for die-hard Jak and Daxter fans who just want to spend some more time in this universe. If they should keep expectations relatively low, they should have a solid time.

Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny

Kratos in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny

September 1, 2009
Project Soul
How Long To Beat
4 Hours

Another PSP fighting game, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny is comfortably one of the portable system's crowning achievements in the genre, at least mechanically. Project Soul did a fantastic job of porting Soulcalibur 4's core mechanics into Broken Destiny, delivering a combat system that does not feel shortchanged despite the limitations of the hardware.

Admittedly, the overall package lacks some retention power due to the absence of a proper story mode outside the too-simple Gauntlet, making it a not-so-great pick if someone is specifically searching for a traditional campaign. However, when it comes to pure gameplay, Broken Destiny was about as good as the fighting genre got on the PSP.

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