Viewers of media and players of games have one thing in common. They love a good villain and it’s even better when there is a romantic duo involved. One of the greatest known in history was Bonnie and Clyde who were 1930s gangsters who seemingly started a revolution before they ended in a puddle of blood and bullets.

10 PlayStation Games That Never Received A Single Sequel

These PlayStation games needed a sequel yesterday, but fans are still waiting to see them happen.

For game fans, they may enjoy the antics of Jesse and James from the Pokemon anime. They’re not technically romantically involved but there is a mutual understanding there and online fans have definitely shipped the two together. That’s a Nintendo example but are there PlayStation evil couples worth shouting out to?

6 The Joker And Harley Quinn

Batman: Arkham Asylum

The Joker And Harley Quinn in Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham Asylum

PS3 , PS4 , macOS , PC , Xbox 360 , Xbox One
August 25, 2009
Rocksteady Studios

The Joker and Harley Quinn appeared together in Batman: Arkham Asylum but they were separated reasons in the sequels for some spoiler-filled reasons. They operated much the same as they did in the cartoons and comics wherein The Joker would issue orders to Harley Quinn and she dutifully obeyed. They didn’t have a lot of time together in the game as they encountered Batman more on separate occasions.

That’s how the game sort of operated as a 3D Metroidvania with The Joker taking in a Dracula-like role. This evil duo could have had more banter like in the cartoons, but that may have changed the tone too much for what the developers at Rocksteady were going for. It’s funny looking back at Batman: Arkham Asylum now considering Harley Quinn is now more known as a separate entity from The Joker thanks to her own cartoon, Harley Quinn, on Max.

5 Lilith And Mundus

DmC: Devil May Cry

Lilith And Mundus in DmC Devil May Cry
DmC: Devil May Cry

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
January 15, 2013
Ninja Theory

Lilith and Mundus were the top two villains of DmC: Devil May Cry. Mundus was the stand-in for the devil in this reboot, with Lilith being his crazed love interest. It was an abusive relationship as Mundus used her to get a demon spawn out of the whole thing. Lilith deep down probably knew this was going on but still loved Mundus all the same.

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Sony's console launch history has been hit-and-miss, and we're here to remember and rank each of the company's six hardware releases.

Her boss fight is one of the creepiest in the game let alone the separate fight with her child. The game is full of nightmare fuel, which is on-brand for the series. Some may not have liked the reboot’s approach to Dante while others think the game as a whole is the best entry in the series. All can at least agree that Lilith and Mundus were a problematic couple.

4 Benedikta And Hugo

Final Fantasy 16

Benedikta And Hugo in Final Fantasy 16
Final Fantasy 16

June 22, 2023
Square Enix

The Final Fantasy series is known for some beautiful and tragic romances. There was the love triangle between Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 along with Tidus and Yuna in Final Fantasy 10. As deep as these budding romances got, there was never an explicit scene involved. That is until Square Enix put out Final Fantasy 16.

This team wanted it to be like Game of Thrones, with thirst-filled scenes and all. Benedikta and Hugo definitely got into some NSFW situations as did others in the game. Their love was so strong that once Benedikta died, Hugo swore revenge on Clive and yet tragically Benedikta secretly never got over Cid. They were complicated characters it’s safe to say.

3 Jack And Marguerite Baker

Resident Evil 7

Jack And Marguerite Baker in Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

January 24, 2017

Jack and Marguerite Baker definitely did not exude romantic energy toward each other in Resident Evil 7. It was more like an outstanding agreement and acknowledgment between the two like many relationships get into toward the latter years. Also, they were infected with parasites the whole time so who knows exactly how the real Baker family felt with each other.

This includes the kids in the mix as well. Parasites aside, they certainly made for a horrific couple in the game. Between Jack bursting through walls and Marguerite’s spider legs, the game produced enough nightmare fuel to propel a spaceship to the moon.

2 Envy Adams And Todd Ingram

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game

Fighting Envy in Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game

August 10, 2010
Ubisoft Montreal , Ubisoft Chengdu

Envy Adams is Scott’s evil ex while Todd Ingram is Ramona’s evil ex in Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game and in the overall Scott Pilgrim universe. This nerdy comic focused on Scott trying to win Ramona Flowers over by defeating her evil exes but it was plain to see that even Scott had some baggage too. This evil power couple in the series formed a rock band, The Clash at Demonhead, who got superpowers by becoming vegans.

10 Canceled PlayStation Games You Never Knew Existed

Not every game makes it to release - and these canceled PS games would have been fantastic additions.

In the game, players have to infiltrate a club they are playing at which leads to a boss fight with Envy and the band’s drummer, Lynette Guycott. After that Todd will jump in for another round. They’re a small part of the game overall but of the series know that Envy and Todd two have some powerful love between each other but not as strong as the bond that slowly blossoms between Scott and Ramona. Todd does lead to his own demise though through the allure of cheating and meat.

1 Brugaves and Erlina

Sea of Stars

Erlina and Brugaves in Sea of Stars
Sea of Stars

August 29, 2023

Brugaves and Erlina were two of the destined heroes trained to save the world in Sea of Stars. Their time has passed though and now it is up to Zale and Valere, the two protagonists, to save the world from a never-ending darkness. Brugaves and Erlina are more like partners in crime kind of like the relationship between Jesse and James from the Pokemon series. The love between the two of them is understated but one could infer a few things.

Brugaves and Erlina betray the order because they are shown a glimpse of the future. They think it is inevitable that evil will win which is why they turn their backs on Zale and Valere. They’re more misguided than evil, leading to some tragic deaths in the game but they still belong on this power couples list.

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Sony's PlayStation is home to a number of unique games. We've found 10 of the best titles which haven't been copied yet but should be.