The relationship between PlatinumGames and Nintendo has been quite solid for the last couple of years. Best known for its action titles, PlatinumGames has released some incredible games exclusive to Nintendo's consoles, ranging from The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 in the Wii U era to 2019's Astral Chain on the Switch. The former two games had the chance to be played again due to Nintendo Switch ports, but one PlatinumGames project that is still locked on the Wii U is Star Fox Zero.

This game was a collaboration between Nintendo and PlatinumGames, and while it was initially met with a lot of excitement, Star Fox Zero was critically panned by critics and fans alike after release. Many of the problems stemmed from the game's incredibly awkward and very difficult control scheme, as it utilized every single aspect of the Wii U. The game was also a commercial failure and was unable to garner interest as a reboot, as the game was retelling Star Fox 64's story for a second time. The original game was ported to the 3DS a few years prior, which likely did not help.

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Despite all of this, many fans want a port of this game to the Switch, with modifications made to the gameplay to make it work on the console. This sentiment is shared by PlatinumGames. In an interview with VideoGamesChronicle, studio head Atsushi Inaba gave his thoughts on bringing Star Fox Zero to the Switch, expressing interest on giving the game a new lease on life. “It’s not cool that people aren’t able to play older games because they’re locked out of the platform, so of course if anything was possible we’d like to bring over any of those older titles to the newer platforms," Inaba said.

Star Fox Zero 2

While Inaba stated that they're interested in porting the game to the Switch, he added that both the decision to make that port and to overhaul its gameplay is not up to PlatinumGames. Instead, it is up to the main gameplay designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, who was the one who pushed for many of Star Fox Zero's mechanics. “The important thing to remember there is that because it’s Nintendo’s IP, the ideas are coming from Miyamoto-san himself,” Inaba said. "We have to respect what Miyamoto-san wants to do." He further stated that due to Miyamoto's status, many had troubles trying to respectfully bring up any feedback regarding his ideas.

As it stands, Star Fox Zero is currently not in the cards to be ported from the Wii U to the Switch. This is a shame, considering many former Wii U exclusive games have benefited from being ported to the new console. Hopefully, the dialogue between PlatinumGames and Nintendo can be opened up once again to help give the game another chance to take off.

Star Fox Zero is available now on Wii U.

MORE: Star Fox is Perfect for a Darker Nintendo Revival

Source: VideoGamesChronicle