With so many successful games in the rearview mirror and a myriad of new projects on the way, it's safe to say that PlatinumGames is currently enjoying the best run of its entire career. Not only is the studio working towards bringing a third Bayonetta game to fans, but it seems Platinum also have yet another new project in the works, however, the illustrious team don't seem quite ready to show fans exactly what it is just yet.

Teasing that something big is on its way for a while now, PlatinumGames has dropped a bizarre website featuring an image of a mysterious number 4 on a grey backdrop. The name of the website is perhaps more curious, however, sporting the title Platinum 4. What this cryptic hint could mean is anyone's guess, with numerous fans on social media collectively racking their brains to figure what on earth Platinum's next project could be.

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The simplest answer seems to be that Platinum 4 is a new game from the studio. For a while now, fans have been under the impression that PlatinumGames could be returning to the Wonderful 101 series, with recent hints and teases from the studio alluding to the Wii U franchise making its debut on the Switch. While the release of Platinum 4's teaser website doesn't deny that the franchise could be seeing a return, it appears to be something new altogether, not hinting at the return of Wonderful 101 in any way, shape or form.

One prevailing theory online is that this new website could have something to do with PlatinumGames' recent admission that it would be interested in self-publishing games. The team received an investment from Chinese games conglomerate Tencent early last month, which has seemingly opened a lot of doors for the studio to start considering becoming more independent in the long run. Perhaps Platinum 4 could refer to a new branch of the studio dedicated to self-publishing or maybe four big announcements that will kick off the studio's new venture into the world of publishing?

The likelihood is that fans will have to wait to find out more concrete information about what PlatinumGames is planning. Hopefully, the studio will reveal what its mysterious new project is soon, whether that be a brand-new game or perhaps a major change within the company itself.

MORE: Every PlatinumGames Game Ever Made, Ranked