Captain Olimar's adventure in Pikmin begins with his Ship's unfortunate crash on a mysterious planet, where he discovers the Pikmin and enlists their aid in collecting the missing parts of his ship. The Impact Site serves as both a tutorial, and the first area players explore while playing the game.

In Pikmin, players initially only have access to one variety of Pikmin. This allows players to acquire one of the Ship Parts at the Impact Site and unlock access to the Forest of Hope, but isn't nearly enough to allow players to fully explore the area and nab the second part found there.

Related: How Long to Beat Pikmin 1 and 2

First Visit

Pikmin_Impact Site

In order to get everything possible on the first visit, players will simply need to run through the tutorial and learn how to command and grow red Pikmin. Once they've amassed at least 10, players can throw the Red Pikmin at the box seen in the image above to have them push it, creating a ramp up onto the tree stump where the Ship's Engine landed. Players will need 20 Pikmin to lift the Engine, and carrying it back to the Ship will automatically finish the first day.


After unlocking Yellow Pikmin in The Forest of Hope and Blue Pikmin in the Forest Navel, players can return to the Impact Site and open up a new section of it. Head for the Tree Stump where the Engine was found to find a stone blockade that can be blown away using explosive rocks, found inside the box that was pushed during the first visit. If it is day 8 or later there will also be a strong enemy here that players will need to take down before they can proceed safely.

Beyond the stone blockade are three clams holding treasures. Two of them have pearls, which can be carried back to an Onion to convert into Pikmin seeds, while the third holds a piece of Olimar's Ship. The trick here is to throw Pikmin onto the item in the clam's mouth to start knocking it loose and call them back periodically to dodge the clam's mouth slamming shut.

Once the missing piece of the ship, the Positron Generator, is knocked free players will need 20 Pikmin to carry it back to the ship. This trip can be made much easier by breaking down the blockade nearby, which creates a one-way shortcut back to the ship and the onions.

The biggest concern on this visit will be ensuring that the Positron Generator is acquired before night falls, accounting for the possibility of getting held up by the newly spawned creatures at the tree stump.

Pikmin is available for Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch.