A brand-new trailer for Pikmin 4 has arrived, detailing some major changes coming to the highly-anticipated sequel. Prior footage gave fans quick glances at the game's overall aesthetic, as well as some returning gameplay mechanics. This new trailer, revealed at the February Nintendo Direct however, introduced additions to Pikmin 4's core gameplay loop, including combat, Pikmin types, an animal companion, and the ability to traverse both land and sea in various ways. The game's new climbing mechanic has the potential to provide the biggest impact on its gameplay, as the player's ability to navigate up walls should add a lot more verticality to the title's level layouts.

Pikmin 4 appears to be unlike prior entries of the series in many fundamental ways. PNF-404, the planet on which Pikmin games takes place, appears much more varied in its landscape, and Pikmin 4 appears to give players plenty of options in how to navigate it. Changes to some Pikmin roles, a day and night cycle, and the game's new dog-like companion, Oatchi, allow players the chance to see the series' main setting in a new light. Exploration of PNF-404 is key to players rescuing Pikmin 4's castaways, which appears to be the primary objective in the title. Little is known about the overall plot of Pikmin 4, though Nintendo has revealed that it features a team of astronauts and can be played by up to 2 players.

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Pikmin 4 Debuts The Creation of Climbable Walls

nintendo switch dog abilities

Pikmin 4 features the return of multiple Pikmin types. Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin are all visible in the title's newest trailer, in addition to a new type, Ice Pikmin. It appears that Pikmin have been given expanded roles in Pikmin 4, as fans see glimpses of Pikmin pulling up roots, breaking down walls, freezing water, and immobilizing enemies. Players also see the main protagonist climb up a wall, a skill previously unavailable to players. More importantly, in the scenes' opening microseconds, players can see that Red Pikmin, previously a favorite for battling and fire traversal, create that climbable wall themselves.

Of the many new features showcased in Pikmin 4's gameplay footage, climbable surfaces could provide the biggest direct change to the title's landscape. Prior titles have featured climbing to some extent, as certain objects allowed Pikmin or Olimar to reach higher levels. However, it appears that Pikmin 4 players will directly order Red Pikmin to create climbable surfaces, as needed. Should this be the case, it could add a lot of verticality to the title's level layout.

Pikmin 4's Wall-Climbing Could Impact Both Traversal and Survival

pikmin 4 gameplay screenshot

Players already know that Pikmin 4 has expanded its approach to level layout, as the title's trailer showcases Pikmin altering the landscape in a variety of ways. Additionally, Pikmin 4's dog-like companion, Oatchi can be seen lifting obstacles and enemies out of the way, as well as transporting the protagonist and Pikmin across bodies of water. By requiring the player to create climbable-walls, Pikmin 4 creates a brand-new set of potential challenges, obstacles, and threats.

Some fans speculated that the series would add climbing, as the Pikmin 4 announcement trailer showed an enemy guarding a pocket watch that was hanging above the ground. However, the reality is something much more essential to the title's gameplay, adding unique challenges. Wall-climbing points to Pikmin 4 obstacles and objectives featuring a more complex approach than in prior entries. Players will likely be required to plan when and where they should climb for the best potential outcome. Certain routes could provide a bigger combat or traversal risk.

Adding verticality through Red Pikmin also opens up new strategies for enemy engagement and evasion. Players could possibly attempt to sneak past enemies from a higher surface or rain down Pikmin to overwhelm the opposition. However, verticality also adds the possibility that enemies will have the same advantage, which could prove especially dangerous in Pikmin 4's Night Levels. With five months until release, players can expect future trailers to provide greater detail on Pikmin 4's verticality.

Pikmin 4 launches July 21, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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