With E3 2017 well under way, gamers have gotten a solid understanding of what to expect from Nintendo in the coming months. Still, Pikmin was one franchise that fans were hoping to receive an update on during the big event, but for some reason it was left off the ticket for the company's final showcase. Evidently, legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto didn't care for the secrecy, and has now provided fans with news that Pikmin 4 is still "progressing" at Nintendo.

During an interview with Eurogamer, Miyamoto reconfirmed that a new installment in the core Pikmin franchise was very much in development – although he failed to provide any other details outside of that.

"I've been told not to share anything about this from PR, but I can tell you it is progressing."

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Based on the comment, it seems obvious that Miyamoto wasn't referring to the side-scrolling Hey! Pikmin that's set to arrive on Nintendo 3DS this July. A follow-up statement from Nintendo to Eurogamer only serves to drive that point home, as Nintendo officially recognizes the quasi-announced game as Pikmin 4.

"We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present."

These statements tie in to what Miyamoto told Game ZXC about Pikmin 4 at E3 2016, confirming that the game faced some setbacks as other projects took priority, but he was quick to clarify that it was starting to get back on track. Keeping that in mind, Nintendo has yet to specify which platform Pikmin 4 is even in development for, so Nintendo Switch owners shouldn't get too set on it arriving on that system just yet.

While gamers weren't on the receiving end of a Pikmin 4 reveal during this E3, they did receive a confirmation that Metroid Prime 4 is in development for the Nintendo Switch. So, at the very least, the fourth entry of another beloved, first-party franchise is en route from the Big N.

Pikmin 4 is still without a release date or platform as of this writing.

Source: Eurogamer